Germain Ifedi: ‘We have a lot of good ball ahead of us’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Slimjim L

Bro I feel like a fake fan I have no clue who this guy is


    We got him in the off-season and he was garbage in Seattle but he has been pretty decent for us

    Star Destroyer

    He is new this year.

Jerimie Daniels

Hes actually been allright on o line

Kenneth Clarke

He’s saying all the right things. Need to start DOING IT!! Not just him, everybody

    David Robert

    He was supposed to be one of the worse linemen in the league he’s actually been doin his job when needed no reason to hate if u don’t know what ur talkin bout


Actually has been surprisingly solid. An underrated sign. I wish we signed someone to replace leno though. Now we have james Daniel’s out and that may be a big hit.

Khaleel Abuzir

Probably the best player on our O-line atm

azia TrembDami

06:13 Fantastic 💋 💝

    Bboy B3000

    Oh shut up Bot


Dang. I wouldn’t want him pissed with me.

Thee ChiTown Hannibal

Keep up the good work big fella….Love what you doing on that o-line….Great signing

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