Germain Ifedi on OL: ‘We’re a close-knit group’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Finley Bishop


    Murph 26


    Anthony j

    Get off our channel…. BEAR TF DOWN


Ya don’t get that poison jab germain what a stupid question to ask fire that

Joel Fernandez

Sign Moses. Ifedi will be a backup

    Khemus 4

    Maybe but they should bench Mustipher and move Daniels to his tru position center & Ifedi to his tru position guard along with Cody’s & Moses and Jenkins at tackles 🤞🏾


    Bears have painted themselves in a corner a bit with cap, they need to look a bit more at contracts. Malone is probably better than Ifedi at RT, but we’re talking about second tier players

    Holy Samurai Jerusalem

    @Khemus 4 Great Vision bro.. That’s a solid starting 5.

Luis Villasenor


AlGre fyt

Germain looks in great shape. You can tell he’s lost some weight, looking fit!

Barry Turner

Great questions AND answers!

Mike Iverson

Ifedi was solid last year and moving him to tackle really improved that line. Mustifer at center moving Whitehair to guard. Those changes really solidified that line. Jenkins, Borom and Daniels the sky is the limit

earnest roper

LT Jenkins LG Daniels C Whitehair RG Ifedi RT Moses (if we sign him). That would be a line to watch.

    Cweb Prod

    mustipher is C and white hair is gonna probably play RG

Derk Dillon

As a bears fan currently living in Katy TX 77449 I don’t want to see Andy play this season

Rick Valentin

Go Bears! From a Chi-town boy living in Allen, Texas. I’m curious how many Bear fans are living in Tejas!

    They call me Bam Bam

    Got some family in San Antonio and they riding with the bears till this day

C&C Vee

Imagine complaining about working a 17th week. Most ppl work all 52. The NFL pushes this Covid Vacc because it affects their cash flow.

    Cweb Prod

    you must not understand the toll football takes on ones body during the season, by the end of the season most are in pain and exhausted. i want to see you try and play football as a starter for 17+ weeks LMAO.

    C&C Vee

    @Cweb Prod It’s not that bad actually I did it through middle school, high school and college. Yes the NFL is a different beast but these guys are primadonnas.

Coach Dre

Wow he looks smaller from last year he just might be a backup OG

Alex H

Good start Germain – but what we REALLY need to hear is how your group will dominate opposing D-Lines 💢 We at the tape never lies network will be watching closely… now go 🥞 some people!

rob daniel

Love that they walk as a group to practice and such. It’s a whole line, not just one part bigger than they rest. Great group we got here and hopefully they can prove it in games.

Matthew Vonnahme

Man is an absolute unit

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