Garafolo: Duane Brown Ruled Out of Ravens-Jets with Shoulder Injury | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Dylan Calhoun

Well, at least Fant is more familiar with the LT position. hope that helps us on gameday

    Johnny Jets

    better hope the rook Mitchell is ready to go.


didn’t miss a game all last year but he comes to the jets…

    Brendan Keane

    It’s just a running joke at this point


    @Brendan Keane i’m too numb to laugh…


The first fucking game didn’t even fucking start yet!

Jonathan Sanchez


Orlando C

Still believe we’ll win but I swear this team is snake bitten🤦‍♂️

Dennis Montalvo

Would have lost with Duane in there. This team needs to pull their heads out of their a$$e$.

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