Full NFL Game: Chicago Bears vs. Arizona Cardinals – Week 6, 2006 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
zooie z

I did too, great comeback from an awesome team with lots of heart! Bear Down!!!


    That game showed how dominant our D and special teams were, imagine if we had a decent QB that year or if Rex stayed consistent like the first 2 games of the year. We’d be 2 for 2 in the SB


    Man I MISS those Chicago Bears… Hester and Urlacher. That defense under Lovie Smith. How far we’ve fallen.

    Lamuel J Sackson

    @lexwaldez 2020’s defense is still gonna be one of the best but obviously it goes without saying the offense always holds the team back.. particularly the O-line for today’s version and an inexperienced QB


Ahhh, the Monday night game. One of my favorite games of all time!! 🐻⬇️


I’ll never forget this game. I was 10 and I got sent to bed because I had school the next morning. 10 minutes later my dad is screaming after the Bears scored the second defensive TD. Got to get up and watch Hesters return and the win. This is the moment I truly became a Bears fan.

    Jose Gallegos

    HEK!! Yea! BEARDOWN!!!


    lmaoo I too had school the next morning and went to bed out of disgust. i woke up the next morning like…. -___-

    A Dempsey

    @Vamo same thing. I thought the newspaper was lying the next day

    yshd hshs

    Bro..fucking sameeee. To a T cept i was a fan before. Whole house went crazy n we got no homework at school cuz of it and every friday was bears gear day n never homework on fridays till after the season

    Jak Starkel

    BeingABear this was my case for last years “2018” packers game, the one where there was a shitload if penalties

Mike Taran

Love the full games! This was EPIC! Unquestionably the greatest Bears comeback, if not one of the all-time greatest comebacks.

May we please see these:
– any of the other games listed in your “Top Ten Bears Comeback Games” list
– Cutler v Favre (Bears v Vikings) at Soldier Field MNF
2009 Overtime
– Trubisky 6 TD game 2018
– Vince Evans led “Bears destroyed the Packers 61-7 on Dec. 7, 1980 at Soldier Field”
– Bears v Redskins 73-0


One of the best Bears game I’ve ever witnessed!

Bradley Stocks

Bears fan that grew up in Arizona, I was in 5th grade and in tears of going to school the next day after a bears L thank god they came back. Absolutely miraculous game

    Doctor Doom

    Bears never give up !

R Montez

My brother and I were at this game. The more the bears were down the more we drank but we never gave up hope. Bears fan for life! BEAR DOWN!!!!

Devin Kelly

Can they also stream the Cardinal’s coach press conference after

    Andrew Crum

    RIP Art


How awful was Rex! Idk why they didn’t bench him!

    Rachel Washick

    49DRmc right!! Like TERRIBLE


    He never really got better either. Oog.

Jeff vee

It’s funny the announcers are predicting the cardinals lose the game even when they’re up 2 touchdowns in the 4th

    Salvador Gonzalez

    True, l was thinking about that.

Chris Pacomio

Grossman: I’m gonna give this game away

Urlacher: Hold my beer


    Ah, remember how terrible Grossman was? Great defense, great special teams, great running game… we couldn’t possibly lose.
    Grossman: Hold my beer.

    Lamuel J Sackson

    If Kyle Orton started the Superbowl that year I know Bears would’ve held up the trophy after the game.. stupid Grossman

    Billy Williams

    Chris Pacomio Yeah Grossman definitely sucked he practically tried to give this game away, I remember watching this game biting my nails the whole time! 🐻⬇️


    @Lamuel J Sackson Hey that’s my line!

Reid Shimizu

One of the all-time great Chicago victories! I’ll never forget it!

Dark Ruffian

When the NFL moved were they Punt the 🏈 from this was the downfall of Hester

Tony George

What a game!!! I’ll never forget this game!! Such a good one ☝️

Carlos Nava

Who else thought bears were going to win the super bowl after Hester returned the kick off?

    Emmanuel Mwangi

    I thought we were finally gonna win it.. (in my lifetime)

John Garza

Urlacher, Hester, Gould – what memories!

Salvador Gonzalez

Awesome game! Only sad every time they showed coach Greens face, R.I.P


This was my first bears game and I lived in AZ but but was raised on the southside of Chicago

Eric K

“They are what we thought they were”

Bobby kingCaffeine

You better believe I’m watching this whole game because I miss football😭

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