Full game highlights from Panthers-Browns game in Week 1 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

This one really hurts


Nah show people the bs roughing the passer call

    Jeff Misley

    Like the one on baker in the back of the endzone in the 1st qtr

    tim phillips

    You mean the helmet on helmet?

Owen Cline

should’ve won this one easy, but the refs decided to give cleveland every possible break on that last drive, including not calling intentional grounding on a fake spike, which is the textbook definition of grounding

    Griffin Ellison

    @Bruce Willis It’s the refs responsibility to be competant regardless of what position we’re in during the game therefore your comment is irrelevant. Panthers won that game according to the actual rules of football. Just didn’t win according to whatever game the refs made up where intentional grounding is allowed and bs roughing the passer penalties are called

    Bruce Willis

    @Griffin Ellison if you’ve ever watched football then you are aware that refs are far from perfect on calls. We put ourselves in that position in the game. Don’t leave the game close enough where you are left complaining about a refs call. This was badly coached and full of on field blunders. We didn’t deserve to win this one.

    Hater Hurta

    @Bruce Willis https://youtu.be/Uku9bqB4ksE
    Skip to 9:11. We can’t do anything about it, but the call was simple and plain. That ref either doesn’t like The Panthers or is a Browns fan. No way that flag was supposed to be picked up.

Reetasaurus Rex

This should’ve been a win for the Panthers, that last 2 minutes was so bs

    Jeff Misley

    Yeh a lifetime backup went down the field and a rookie kicker beat you. Blame the refs. Not the qb who fumbled twice, had 4 passes knocked down an an interception. More of that to cone with Baker

Snap Duke

The refs handed this game to the Browns in last 2 minutes. Panthers are looking good

    Ronald Haynes

    Run d doesn’t

Jai Norman

We will bounce back next Sunday. If not then expect matt rhule to be fired by end of this month.

    Michael Buckley

    Have fun with baker 😂😂😂😂

Christopher G

Good game…🤣

Lisa Farnick

Only 5 minutes of high lights? Rhule needs to go!


    Rhule is gonna make Baker look bad just like damn near every year of his career. I’m mad he went from a bad coaching staff to a worse coaching staff.


Line couldn’t hold to save themselves, bad play calling and just looked flat. Second half played really well and they seemed to get stuff figured out and going good. Hopefully next week they tune themselves better but I see a team that so long as they play to their strengths can have an above .500 record. Shame refball had to ruin this one

    tim phillips

    Oh they has no problem holding.. just didn’t get flagged for it


    @tim phillips don’t worry I’m sure those 4 sacks made up for it

Nova Life

Refs bad calls, Rhule going soft late.

Carolina Kid 1984


Matthew Sawyer

Cj Henderson WTF were you thinking!?
Xavier woods is a ball hawk
Horn struggled
Robbie Anderson is improving
Matt rhule needs to hold him self accountable
Baker Mayfield is a good QB


even tho we lost, im still proud of this team, down like 21-7 and brought it back.


I love Baker Mayfield he’s good wish Panthers could’ve pulled out the win.

Eli Hubbard

Baker played well for his first game. I ain’t mad

Nathan Blackwelder

This obviously was supposed to be 1-0 record for the panthers,but I give credit for not giving up,and I think Baker should calm down a bit since he was a little excited on the field

Mark Samuel

Need to open up the offense, stop having opposing defenses stack the box all game. use the backup receivers like shi to strech the field

Elijah Sambe

Good comeback by the panthers 💪🏾💪🏾


That was the worst re-cap I have seen. They missed most of the scoring especially the 58 yard field goal at the end.

    Noah Menegay

    This is only panthers highlights, you’re on the panthers account

Adrian Veidt

Where’s the rest?? 🤣🤣

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