Frank Reich Postgame Press Conference | Preseason Week 1 Buffalo Bills – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Donavan Crabtree


Dylan O'Gara

let’s go colts sluggish start from receivers Alec needs to be more physical

CJ Pinkins

Went to the game today. I was happy with the defense especially all the take aways. Other than that, the offense got off to a bad start but this is what preseason is for. Hopefully we accomplish great things this season.


    Is the entrance free in preseason?

Anthony Scioscia

Trade preseason Ls for regular season Wwwwwā€™s . Letā€™s make some f**ken noise this year. Itā€™s Go Colts always !


No worries over here. The Manning years taught me preseason means Jack squat.

Steve Jamieson

As a Bills fan, I never look forward to when they play the Colts. The Bills run an offense that has a lot of the offense the Bills ran when Frank played there. He knows how to slow it down and he is good at finding ways to attack the Bills defense. Best of luck to the Colts in the regular season

    Austin Kilgore

    Best of luck to you and your Bills as well! Always nice to have an opposing fan be respectful and not shy away from giving the other teams credit when credits dueā€¦ lol unfortunately following last nights game, Iā€™ve up until now really only came across that loud minority of Bills fans who insist on being obnoxious about it. Lol But I digress, good luck & hope you guys have a good seasonā€¦ Iā€™m looking forward to us meeting in the AFC Championship game! (Been my prediction all off-season)

    (Also just to clarify.. that ā€œloud minorityā€ is prevalent within EVERY single NFL fan base. Lol Ya know, theyā€™re the ones who seem to only wanna just argue and/or gloatā€¦ while also trashing on the opposing team.)

    D Yates

    @Austin Kilgore As a Bills fan, I understand about the loud minority thing. I used to go to a LOT of the games as a young man, but got tired of the rowdiness and jackasses at times. Most of the people where just having a great time and passionate about their team, but some were to the point where I didn’t even want to be around that anymore. Anyhow, I live in Cleveland now but still follow my Bills and maybe I’ll make that short trip back home and watch the Browns and Bills in Buffalo. Good luck to your Colts; I always liked them and of course, LOVE Frank.

    David Brownburner

    Thanks Bro See you in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME

    D Yates

    @David Brownburner You got it man. Enjoy brother!!!!

    Matt Davis

    As a Colts fan, I wish we could go back in time and draft Josh Allen instead of Quenton Nelson, but we had no clue that Andrew Luck would retire the next season. šŸ˜… Allen was my favorite QB that draft, and I knew he would be the best of the bunch.

    Seriously though, good luck. You guys are my favorite for the SB, plus I have Allen and Diggs in my fantasy football league.

Ayden J Masters

Idc what you say Frank has a great hat

The Official Green Kane

Gonna give the Colts a pass, they were facing the perennial #1 Team in the league. The Bills are damn good, their backups are like starters for an average team. That Colts performance today woulda beaten like 25/32 teams. šŸ’Æ

Familia Cajigas

Ehlinger had the game won but of course it’s preseason so everyone plays. Foles will b qb3 if he doesn’t watch out.

Blake Engle

Do people not realize what pre season is? It means little to nothing unless the majority of a teams starting players are injured. I would have said the exact same thing if we had won.

Briddy _

Coach seems a little less stressed this year, maybe because he knows itā€™s preseason but it looks like he has less stress on him

Nathan Scherrer

Frank is one of the best!!

    New Life

    Based on what exactly? He’s a nice person and a preacher?

Bass & BBQ

Bills fan here. Huge Frank Reich fan obviously. You guys looked great. Good luck to the Colts this year!

Jesse Bugher

Please let sam have a shot as the back up! I love you frank and I know foles is your buddy but Sam deserves this.

The Tarantula Life

If they any points from the 40 turnovers they could of won big time.

Jerry Booker

Preseason or not,colts nation be prepared to see exactly what you watched today in the regular season as well.

David Blette

It must be so emotionally confusing for him to coach his team against the Bills. Especially when the bills have a comeback victory against the Colts.

ā€œYeah, another Bills touchdownā€¦wait no, badā€¦ā€ -The mind of Frank Reich.

Jake M

Isiah Rodgers had a great showing I also like what I saw from the te woods he plays big and I like him using his size to create space like a lot of physical TE. Sam also looked good would like to see he play more but good showing, maybe a little too quick to leave the pocket but seems to keep his eyes downfield even on the run

Dequareio Berry

Please let sam become the backup he looked great

Steven J. Trump 2024

Was at game. Cool.

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