Former Player Sam Acho Tells What Makes Brandon Staley a Great Coach, “He brings out the best.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ken Mccune

Chargers got a good rookie coach Stanley good help chargers to win games

Aaron Adams

We’re so close to being an 11-5 , 12-4 team. Hope he’s the guy to get us there


    @Aaron Adams perfect, handle it

    Aaron Adams

    @TheMostHighAqua how? I ain’t no head coach lmao. I’m not understanding the point of you commenting 😂😂


    @Aaron Adams that’s your opinion. 😆

    Aaron Adams

    @YoungG619 facts man! Exciting times for sure!


    @Aaron Adams got’em

tuyet tang

The Chargers are gonna be special

Gavin Benitez

We goin to they playoffs for many years with this guy fs BOLY UP⚡️

Clizm Black Music

This Sam Acho guy is incredible. Would love to see him on TV or something.

    Dylan Dushack

    Buddy I think you’re confusing Sam with his bother Emmanuel

    Clizm Black Music

    @Dylan Dushack No my friend, I’m not. I want to see THIS Acho on TV.


    @Clizm Black Music dude speaks very well 👍

Andrew Loya

I love everything about this video.

Daniel Adams

This video got me so hyped lol


Man Staley has full control of the team. I can’t wait to see what he brings! ⚡️

Narley Chan

It’s amazing I’ve got the qb I’ve been waiting for since his days at sheldon. . I’m from pnw.. an now I get a family dad type coach that’s cool smart. You can tell chargers football is going to be exciting..


This guys sounds like an NFL analyst 👀 or
Commentator, anyway seems like a cool dude!




Well that sounded really optimistic.


I just hope the whole roster stays healthy


So curious what players Staley is going to bring on the defensive side of the ball.BOLT UP⚡⚡⚡⚡

You Like!?

Every player Staley has run into always had high praise for him. We’re lucky to have him.

Gabriel Gomez

12-4 season calling it now 💯⚡️

Nic Bridges

Everytime I hear about Brandon Staley from others around the league I get more and more excited for next season! #BoltUp2021

andre fernan

Staley gonna teach Herbert how to read defenses and thats how Herbert going to be one of best QB in the league in the future

    Kakashi Hatake

    I agree . Can’t wait to see what this guy can do… it was about time we cleaned the house

Raj Stark

“I had a resurgence that year”

Shows a picture of him pulling a face mask 😆😆😆

Rodolfo Bravo

I feel a special year coming this is amazing his energy and presents will change and charge up chargers the right way …..

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