Fitzpatrick’s 21-Point Comeback vs. Brady! Bills vs. Patriots Week 3, 2011 Full Game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Ahh I remember watching this lol, fitz such an inconsistent qb

Eee Eee

The day Fitzmagic was born

Call Me, BLEGH Me, If You Wanna Reach Me

My Friends Over You playing at the beginning, Classic, still one of the most satisfying games of all time and I’m not even a Bills fan

    Blue Lives Murder

    Tom Brady is the only quarterback in NFL history to beat a franchise 30+ times. He currently holds a record of 32-3 against the Buffalo Bills.

Cleveland BCI

Before he looked like Dumbledore and known for Magic.

Marmite Oneverything

this could just be the year mafia

Akbar Shabazz-Jenkins

I love how it never mattered what year it was, where he ended up, or how good the team was, Wes Welker was NEVER going to win a Super Bowl

Jamari Jones

So no one is talking about how the patriots blew a 21 point lead????

    Big Blue Giant 2122


    Jamari Jones

    @Big Blue Giant 2122 uhh what was that for bud I’m only pointing out the obvious

    Brendan Black

    @Big Blue Giant 2122 This game was never 28-3.

Latharius Seats

That scoreboard brings back nostalgia and the progress of other games they don’t put much effort like they did back now it’s all plain

    eric sigersmith

    Fr I miss the fox laser sound in the early 2000s also @

    Dom _

    They still show the progress of other games?

eric sigersmith

I’m a packers fan….. but I remember fitzmagic got a nice new contact from the Buffalo bills after this stretch of play and then crapped out…


I’m starting to see a pattern here. Y’all don’t need to make every full game include Brady.


It was on BILL BELICHICK’s defense. The so called “goat” coach

Brendan Black

Fun fact: Tom Brady has thrown 4 interceptions in a single game 6 times in his career, 2 of which were against Buffalo, in 2003 and 2011; the Bills beat the Pats in both games.


I cant believe this was 10 years ago…I remember this game like it was last year

Devin Curtis

This was my 16th Birthday, 09/25/11 what a great day that was

the gaming saiyan99

I low key miss those old ref uniforms they were more distinct than the generic sweat pants


Fun fact:this is statically Tom Brady’s worst game of his career

LOUIE Randall

Thank you NFL please more full games pleasee

Ayden Minecraft

Tell patriots next draft they need to draft rahmel dockery

Joseph Boadu

I’m sure the commentator is still wondering why NE took a second timeout in the 2nd half.


they should play some lesser known games from like 10 years ago and just tell the matchup so you don’t know who’ll win

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