First Raiders Foundation Legacy Bricks Installed at Allegiant Stadium | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
AKA Clipz


    50 Shades of 40

    AKA Clipz ❤️💪🔥🔥🔥

Joe Othon Campbell

just win bby😎


Amazing stadium 🌟 ⭐️

Sully S



Looking at the Thumbnail I agree with the exception of Antonio Brown.


    And maybe Randy Moss.

    ChasinDa BAGMoney

    You have to play a game to be a raider, he train with us but never became a raider, became a clown instead

    ChasinDa BAGMoney

    @DOJAx707 I dislike moss but he is a raider SMH

    Troy Butcher

    Antonio Brown was never a Raider he didn’t play a single down.

    Troy Butcher

    @DOJAx707 Randy Moss came in here and lit the league on 🔥! For his 1rst 4 games to the tune of 500 yards! But he got tired of losing and he eventually wanted out. I can’t blame him he wanted to win.. He wanted to win a Superbowl and he wasn’t getting any younger. His last year in Silver & Black.. He got hurt and we were still putting him in the game as a decoy.🤦‍♂️ I remember it like it was yesterday.. And didn’t agree with or understand it. Randy Moss took alot of criticism for half stepping.. The team wanted him in and was told he was only going to be a decoy bc he was hurt. He agreed to do it but shouldn’t of even been out there. He got blasted for it as well.. Can’t blame him for wanting out. If we had a legitimate team back then he would have stayed. But when your getting up their in years you want to win a chip. People forget how excited he was to be a Raider in the beginning.. To bad it didn’t last that long. But I don’t blame Randy, I blame ownership for letting us be so bad for so long. Thank God we’re finally just now getting back to the Good ol days again. BTW it was said that our coach got Randy up out of here.. He knew fans would turn on Randy being used as a decoy. He said he got played and all this is from memory back then.. Not some BS social media search it’s from memory.. But anyways Raider Nation 4 life!

Sexy Siren

Look at my beautiful stadium😎 RAIDER NATION 4 LIFE BABY!!!

    50 Shades of 40

    Sexy Siren that stadium is stunning! Looks even better in real life

    Sexy Siren

    @50 Shades of 40 Stunning indeed! It’s gonna be even better when I get to visit. Coming from Anaheim,CA💕 Vegas here I come baby!!!

Ricky G


Silver Reaper


Alfonso Cuevas

I can’t wait to see me and my sons brick!!!😁🏴‍☠️

    Mike Z

    Do they tell you where they are located?

Wulfenacht Wulfenacht

Why Does It Have To Be So Expensive! 😔

    martin timmer

    Wulfenacht Wulfenacht yeah,the prizes are crazy.but that’s todays sports,tickets and merchandise getting more and more expensive each year.lets just enjoy the new Stadium and hope for a good season

    Wulfenacht Wulfenacht

    Fenway Park(MLB Boston Red Socks) Has A Brick Program And Theres Only Run For Like 200-400. Maybe even Cheaper.

    I’m sad I can afford one. But yeah I guess thats true. 😔 🤷‍♂️ Tbh Just Might Add My Own Brick 😆

    Surfer Bob

    Is it expensive? Hmmm. See that’s all relative. There’s that old cliche, if you have got ask how much…. I think it’s very affordable, if it’s somewhat important to the fan. It saddens me that these days I run into people struggling, I just tell them, you should have taken your future more seriously when you were a teenager getting high and cutting class. 🤷‍♂️

MALO_ 213

Where’s my brick “BOKNOWS”

Bernie Martinez

I’m going to buy a brick I was a part of McCarthy the building was on my f****** hands


This is awesome

Ruggs for ROTY


Donald Long II

30TH Comment


Whens the next episode of from the ground up

Devon Siharath

I wanna see Jacobs playing!


Hope I’ll be able to find mine!

Tubby O

Hell yeah. Can’t wait to see my family brick out there. I hope these stay for good out there & not get replaced next year by people who purchased theirs after the deadline.

Lupe Ochoa

I want a brick “Raider Man Ochoa”

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