Fangio: Team showed great fight in loss vs. Steelers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
happy gilmore

Can’t believe we lost


    Bobby Parks every true Broncos fan thought that game was ours at the end

    happy gilmore

    BigMarkDaDon yep

    Jake Jeffries

    @happy gilmore steelers always give their opponent a chance trust me I’m a steelers fan


    Jake Jeffries 😂

    James The Gamer

    happy gilmore that tells you how overrated Lock is


We did awesome with half are team being backups it would make my day if you liked rhis


    Rippy it would make my day if you could tell the difference between our and are.


    Now you know how we felt last season when the steelers had majority of they starters out last season

Andre Renix

I just knew we had this game (OUCH!).

    Tre_ Day06

    Fr tho, we had it in the bag. All we needed or do was score a touchdown, we were right there. But Driskel’s trash self decided to not throw the ball.

    Sergio Garcia

    Yeah okk 0-2 😂

    Andre Renix

    Ikr…that one hurts

    Andre Renix

    @Tre_ Day06 yeah I had to take a blood pressure pill 😫

Bernadette Major

Broncos need to NOT pass the ball everytime on 3rd down… just my opinion… Change it up!!


    Bad calls on fangio on both games bring back Wade Phillips And somebody that really prepares physically to the players si many injuries are not because of the players ir is more because of a Bad Coaching staff

    Bruno Velazquez

    I agree with you

    Slightly Above Average

    You have Melvin Gordan and he didn’t run it twice on 3rd and 2 and 4th and 2… 😤

    Noah Gaming

    Im not a Broncos fan but passing on 3rd down is a ton better than running it. Unless its like a yard.

    Slightly Above Average

    @Noah Gaming 3rd n 2 in 4 down territory and they threw the ball twice with Melvin Gordon on the roster

Gage Vonderheid

I knew we had that game (OUCH)

Capo Boss

In my opinion Royce Freeman has not been given enough opportunities to showcase his skills. He can be a difference maker if given a chance.


    Capo Boss I totally agree

    Matt R

    He’s had 2+ years to showcase his skills. He’s an awesome receiving back, blocks fairly well, he runs with decent power, but overall he’s just not a very explosive back. He’s a very good backup running back, that’s it.

Gary Smith

Don’t like to here how good we look loosing

    Sergio Garcia

    Well start sucking the refs to get W,s


I think a new head coach is in our future, i also think Vic know it also

    A. Red



    Yeah he isn’t the answer!

    Lancer Evo GSR

    Better if Vic move back to his natural DC position and get a capable head coach.

    NZ2A_BrIanPv_ JC

    That’s all I want for the team, we need to get a good experienced coach instead of someone who has been a dc for years

    Steven Brown

    Well yeah you have a gm who goes through coaches one every 2years when do you hold elway accountable for his mistakes.his picks are horrible.

Mr Orange

We headed for the #1 pick if we keep this up. 😳

    Michael Holomon

    Tank For Trevor I guess?

    Andy Nannan

    Trevor is going to be average in the NFL. That’s what happens when you play for a really good team with no one in you conference that can keep up, he’s a great college player but only plays very hard opponents come college playoff time. On the other hand lock has played against the elite defenses in the SEC and has lost a decent amount while Trevor is not accustomed to losing so much and I promise that makes all the difference.

Love Dogs

Dionne Warwick says the psychic network see’s a new head coach in the future.

black hat

Vic Fangio needs to go, sorry not sorry.

black hat

Vic choked up again. Making our great guys look bad


Fangio needs to give up the defensive play calling. You have an experienced DC let him actually do his job! Specially since Fangio can’t multitask, he needs to focus on the team as a whole not just the defense

Steve Mack

Vic stop looking down during the game, fix your hunch, shave your damn head and most importantly talk to your damn team wtf!!!?!

Zack H

100% reason we are 0-2 “oh save your timeouts for next week” “oh keep Wilkinson in after 7 sacks”

    Andy Nannan

    It wasn’t all his fault bro just 99 percent

Joe Griego

Moral victories don’t count in the NFL, just FYI.

    Max Power

    it does when you were HEAVY road dogs with several starters out


    Vic keeps moral victories in his pockets next to his end-of-game timeouts

Tim H

Still lost though!!…commendable 2nd half fight back. Who was at fault for the 4th and 2?

Andy Nannan

We gonna be the best 3 and 13 team in the history of the NFL


Fangio is a subpar coach and the Broncos are wasting their time keeping him on staff


In 2 weeks we’ll get our 1st win when we play the Jets.

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