Fangio on late-game drops: ‘Those are the mistakes that can cost you’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Terrible clock management on your part didn’t help things, Vic…


    ngl it was a logical decision, why are people so mad at it like wtf

    Kevin Cutter

    Adamfreeman246 because they obviously were going to go for a field goal. You can’t assume he’s going to miss just because he has been.

    Adam N.T. Protester

    TRUTH… we now know for certain that SCAMgrrrrrrr….JELLO’s 7/15 chances handing the ball back to the other team for 5 LOSSES [and often before the half as well] in 2019 was ALSO poor HC oversight to not stop that the 1st time it happened… HC Fangio is an awesome coach & DEF Coord… however like almost ALL rookie HC he is NOT excellent at time outs, clock management & oversight of play calling in last 4 min with a lead [esp at home tho this year home/away- is a wash] … we need to stop making excuses for this ongoing bugaboo & DEAL WITH THE FACT that Fangio does a lot of things excellent but time outs, clock management & OFF Play call oversight with 4 min left & a 1 pt lead is NOT something he has mastered… so we need to get someone to help with that area until Fangio masters that task & it becomes simple to him so he doesn’t even have to think hard about it… that ultimately will help our team win close games & it MUST be addressed immediately- I kept pounding the table about it from the 1st time it happened but CHAD from espn MHH just censored me off the whole site while pimping for SCAMgrrrrrr….JELLO the whole season & blaming Flacco [who BTW got injured trying to win a game already won due to this problem]… it is a real problem when we lose games by NOT having a STRATEGIC view of the path to victory and this has been a CONSTANT bugaboo for the past 17 games… it needs to get corrected IMMEDIATELY. Sad to say but shumur may be a trojan horse who purposefully went away from FANT when the game was on the line on purpose… the whole 2nd half it was like an ANTI-ADJUSTMENT where he said oh oh Fant is doing real well let’s not call his number in the 2nd half… so that was just DUMB as f…k and there is no justification for not utilizing the HOT HAND especially when you have TWO DRIVES to run out the clock thanks to inept kicking by the other team. So I put this loss on Shumur & Fangio… HC Fangio is an awesome coach we are very lucky to have him as our HC but sad as it is that he did not get his chance to coach until late in his career he has to recognize his ROOKIE status when it comes to clock management, time outs & OFF play Calling OVERSIGHT in the 4 min drill before 1/2 & at the end of the game… also he has to recognize that shumur may be angling to fail so he can become HC since the Bowlen family has been removed from ultimate oversight allowing the NFL & lawyers to control the team via Ellis- George Bushes little b*tch… just like the country is being taken over by World Jewry & netenyahu via their puppet POTUS’ whose loyalty is to israehell instead of America! FACT & TRUTH
    REMEMBER REICHSTAG911- it all started with a LIE!

    Joseph Yamomo

    @Adamfreeman246 no it wasn’t. It was bades on assumptions that were not logical

Agustin Campa

You need more points to win

Johnny 3laze

Here we go again…..this not Denver Broncos football…..🤬

    Michael Crabtree

    They sure looked alot better than last year when more teams scored more on the broncos.

Christopher Do44

Vic Fangio ….. 🤷‍♂️

Bubba a

Wish we could get Gary back this is not the only time he done this

Albert Chouinard

Coward media didnt ask him about his boneheaded inexcusable time management at the end


    When the clock was ticking @ 1:30… 1:00…. why…. WHY didn’t that dopey coach use his timeouts??


    They asked him first thing and he played it off.

    Johnny Bell

    @turtle4614 😆😂😂😂 TITAN-UP ⚔️⚔️

Jason P

Groundhog day

Binx Negale

Feels like last season 🤷🏽‍♂️ idk Hopefully they’ll progress game by game.


That clock management just costed us the game. Vic has no drive at all. Look at Sean Payton / Andy Reid / Jon Gruden they have so much passion for the game. I have never seen Vic Fangio have enthusiasm and drive to win

    Mike Fubar

    No passion whatsoever

    James Webb

    He does sound very content.

    Dorian Avila

    Dropped passes and bad play calling at times was a bigger reason for the loss. The defense was pretty disciplined. Losing Bouye was also important in this game. Not getting a first down in the 4th qtr. with. 4 mins. to go was more significant.

Mike Fubar

You wasted a whole minute of the last 2 minutes on the play clock without using a time out! What the hell Vic Fangio?!?! Terrible coaching on your part. You were a main contributor to this loss, sir.

Jaycen Harris

Hopeful we can turn it around, but if we gotta cut ties at the end of the year luckily two good coordinators out there in Salah and Bieniemy. Bieniemy in particular would be huge by poaching the Chiefs OC and bring him back home to CO.

Adam N.T. Protester

I decided to post my reply to a good comment below so everyone could see it because I believe it is something important that we have to address:
We now know for certain that SCAMgrrrrrrr….JELLO’s 7/15 chances handing the ball back to the other team for 5 LOSSES [and often before the half as well] in 2019 was ALSO poor HC oversight to not stop that the 1st time it happened & correct the OCoord Failures… HC Fangio is an awesome coach & DEF Coord… however like almost ALL rookie HC he is NOT excellent at time outs, clock management & oversight of play calling in last 4 min with a lead [esp at home tho this year home/away- is a wash] … we need to stop making excuses for this ongoing bugaboo & DEAL WITH THE FACT that Fangio does a lot of things excellent but time outs, clock management & OFF Play call oversight with 4 min left & a 1 pt lead is NOT something he has mastered… so we need to get someone to help with that area until Fangio masters that task & it becomes simple to him so he doesn’t even have to think hard about it… that ultimately will help our team win close games & it MUST be addressed immediately- I kept pounding the table about it from the 1st time it happened but CHAD from espn MHH just censored me off the whole site while pimping for SCAMgrrrrrr….JELLO the whole season & blaming Flacco [who BTW got injured trying to win a game already won due to this problem]… it is a real problem when we lose games by NOT having a STRATEGIC view of the path to victory and this has been a CONSTANT bugaboo for the past 17 games… it needs to get corrected IMMEDIATELY. Sad to say but shumur may be a trojan horse who purposefully went away from FANT when the game was on the line on purpose… the whole 2nd half it was like an ANTI-ADJUSTMENT where he said oh oh Fant is doing real well let’s not call his number in the 2nd half… so that was just DUMB as f…k and there is no justification for not utilizing the HOT HAND especially when you have TWO DRIVES to run out the clock thanks to inept kicking by the other team. So I put this loss on Shumur & Fangio… HC Fangio is an awesome coach we are very lucky to have him as our HC but sad as it is that he did not get his chance to coach until late in his career he has to recognize his ROOKIE status when it comes to clock management, time outs & OFF play Calling OVERSIGHT in the 4 min drill before 1/2 & at the end of the game… also he has to recognize that shumur may be angling to fail so he can become HC since the Bowlen family has been removed from ultimate oversight allowing the NFL & lawyers to control the team via Ellis- George Bushes little b*tch… just like the country is being taken over by World Jewry & netenyahu via their puppet POTUS’ whose loyalty is to israehell instead of America! FACT & TRUTH
REMEMBER REICHSTAG911- it all started with a LIE!

Frank Richardson

Vance Fangio

Jus BlazeVictors

What an idiot. The worst clock management I can remember. We get the same results with these defensive minded coaches. Fox, Vance J, and Fangio all seem to fall asleep late in game and not know how to manage close games

justin shelton

Fangio will take this loss out on the team. Extra hard practice days, more incoming injuries.

    Hydraulic Press To The Balls

    Maybe but there were lots of mistakes on the field that lost us the game out that Fangio couldn’t do anything about


Can we hire Gary Kubiak back?

Ronald Samples

Vic needs to do more we never lost a Home opener with Vance Vance Joseph

Meloso Heights

Anybody here arty pissed after he got skipped 🤣

Dorian Avila

Bunch of freaking whiners on here.

Stockton YouTube

Vic Fangio… 🤷🏼

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