Fan Fest Highlight: DJ Moore dances into end zone – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
King Recent

Baker is killing it dj moore is getting better


    @Dwatson 💀😭

    Daniel Garcia

    @Dwatson doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile a win is a win


    @Robert Edwards theropist

    Dustin Barlow

    Lol he is doing something Teddy and Darnold couldn’t do! Get in the end zone!


“We haven’t decided who will be QB1” đŸ€“

    Bala Ramkumar

    @Trill 1 YES HE DID, search up Sam darnold 5 tds practice camp and scroll down to dov kliemans tweet

    Bala Ramkumar

    @Dustin Barlow I wouldn’t say awful but not better than baker

    Trill 1

    @Bala Ramkumar Then you search Bakers 5 tds. 3 to DJ and 2 to Higgens. Who was Sam’s 5 tds to? Foh with that bs bruh!

    Bala Ramkumar

    @Trill 1 ok ok I’m well aware of baker mayfield Throwing 5 tds, all I’m trying to do is show that I mixed up darnolds 5 tds with bakers 5 ints and I’m trying to show my proof alright


❀Only for fans over 18 year— Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine empru.ONLINE BrĂŒnette und eine andere Blondine. Es wĂ€re unfair, wenno ich 4 wĂ€hlen wĂŒrde

David Barber

Fan Fest sucked

Mark Raines

Brink of greatness is happening to this team…just put God first…and the rest will be great


DJ was already solid and now with a true QB he will be an all pro!

Jai Norman

Hopefully we see this all summer

Leah Engberg

Got to watch this live from SEC 344! KEEP POUNDING BOYS!!!

kim ama

Baker is going to remind people just how good he is… looking forward to it and I’m happy for Carolina… there’s hope there again, you can feel it.

t goodwin

yep, BAKE QB1 is feeling Riotus today n will tear it up 4 Panthers n the gr8 offense is gonna break alllllllll kinda records, ya’ll, wait n c n whoop n holler, gonna b GR8!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Adkins

Literally most of the play highlights the last week has been baker

James Alexander

Why overhype this? That’s hilarious


I was there!!! The fireworks were crazy

    frank underwood

    Sir Purr coming down on the zipline was pretty crazy too


    Yeah I agree!

Kque Boles

It’s sad Matt continues to play games and undermine the few fans they do have. I mean can fans not get transparency and truth now days. Just glad that alllllllll the fans at fanfest got to see the very truth about how much of a QB competition this isn’t. Carolina has now downplayed the vital reasoning of a QB comp. It’s now a jjoke. NFL should fine panthers for slandering the true nature of a qb comp.

Kque Boles

Yeah but let’s wait until patriots joint practices to see where we really are . A reporter asked Matt what he thought about Sam and baker tonight and he studders some bs along the lines of
” ahhh I’m just not sure , tonight was kinda weird right”

This is our head coach folks. Enjoy

Black_yoda 23

Am I the only one that see’s a Delhomme, Smitty chemistry with Baker and Dj

Jus Chris

Nice job Guys…Baker did an excellent job of looking the defender off with that slight little look to the right,before he threw it….Way to sell it bro.


Lol, this was 7 on 7. Not a game. How did this man become the Panthers savior.

Dustin Barlow

Lol we know that isn’t going to happen with Darnold out there.

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