Ezekiel Elliott & Multiple Cowboys and Texans Test Positive for COVID-19 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Anthony Dube

Prayers for zeke πŸ™

    Gabriel Wapala


    Alan Is a goat totally

    Anthony Dube hide ur self cowgirls fan jk

    Anthony Dube

    Alan Is a goat totally just look at ur name πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

    Mj Smith



    Even as an Eagles fan I’m praying for him πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Get well soon!

    Coronavirus is your daddy

    Show me your pp

    Jerry Junior Official

    AlexDeGhost Thank you Eagles fan.


Skip Bayless on suicide watch right now.


    kevin feola snowflake

    Jayden Byer

    @Jaden Lynn yea probably. at least Seattle put up a good fightπŸ’ͺ

    Jerry Junior Official

    M G Not funny

    Jaden Lynn

    @Jerry Junior Official I’m going to say your a cowgirl fan


    nah i think they’ll be ok


y’all acting like he gon die from it

    Yael Nunez

    It’s big news for the nfl

    drako gostupid

    its a high chance so im praying


    @OGFR JORDAN 90% are over 65+ FYI

    _ JDP2104 _

    @kvngirvng yeah at like a fraction of a percentage. And even so, the chances are good that Zeke is healthier than most teenagers considering that he’s an NFL star

    Sam Abinanti

    Are culture has no more self respect for themselves no more, Sad isn’t it.

Yoboi Boy

Damn maybe there won’t be a season after all.


    Idk..Everyone THINKS there will be. But statistically speaking, its not looking good. Were supposed to see another surge of cases in August along with the Flu season coming back, im thinking we wait another year unfortunately.


    @Sean Pankiw Some people react to the virus differently. There’s about an 80% chance you’ll be fine…But 20% chance you’ll need hospitalization..In Vegas those are good odds..In life, no so much.

    I might answerback

    Did you think there was going to be a season??? Please stop listening to trumps followers who are mindless sheep and listen to the smart people who have spent their entire lives studying infectious diseases.

    Joe Cruz

    there wasn’t goin 2 be any football to begin with this year anyway 2 risky!


    @6Pro1Phet9 that’s actually false check the data tables on worldometer for age range 50< its 0.9% of hospitalization and that's actually decreased from when it first began, and for an example I literally found out I had antibodies for it by getting a physical just as a check up last month so that shows I didn't even had a clue I got it somehow

Abibou Gabe

i’m not even a fan but stay safe zeke and all the others

    Abibou Gabe

    dbrooks true bruh zeke one of a kind

    Big Will

    Ricardo Covarrubias how is their life at risk? Do you not realize by now they have a better chance of getting killed otw home in a car than from the virus they have…moron


    @Big Will thank you lol there’s more car accident deaths this year than global deaths of this virus and that’s with less cars on the road imagine full scale traffic

    Sam Abinanti

    Did he visit a coyote bar.

    Sam Abinanti

    The lady in charge made him dance on the bar for 200 last weekend.


i guess they accidentally fed zek too much

    Jerry Junior Official

    ʟΙͺʟ-α¬Šα­„MιяαclΡ” How sick of you.


Good thing d-hop got traded outta there so he’s not sick

    King Niggaz

    @hi man samehttps://youtu.be/sdo5p3NbVZM


    man shut up

    hi man

    @Chase nah


    Well he still went to Arizona which is becoming a hotspot

    Brandon Cisonno

    Yes that would be bad

George 235

*Goes to a party with 40 people*
*Gets coronavirus*
Zeke: (Pikachu meme)

    George 235

    @Apex Predator exactly so this is probably his first test after going to the party during quarantine

    Apex Predator

    @George 235 exactly which is why he wouldnt really think about the danger. Dont know what your trying to argue

    George 235

    @Apex Predator we where in quarantine, I would think it was because of the virus

    King Niggaz

    @George 235 omghttps://youtu.be/sdo5p3NbVZM

    Apex Predator

    @George 235 a few months ago could be january or even december

Cole Cooper

That should mildly inconvenience them.

Dwayne Junior

Just when I thought coronavirus was over

    Jerry Junior Official

    Dwayne Junior Hell no, Corona gon be with us till the end of next year.


    Coroana virus isn’t even close to over right now. The amount of cases and deaths are still increasing. It will probably last for a long time.

    paris beech

    It’s not even over yet

    Ej 808

    It was never over bruh nobody ever even said it was over . They re open stuff to get more money.


I don’t like the cowboys but wish him a healthy recovery

    Camo Wolf54

    Don’t want another Sports star to Die


    Same, Eagles for life

    Mike Reyes

    @Daily Dose of Gaming as a cowboy fan I respect fans like u

    Brokey 711

    Camo Wolf54 calm down he’s young he’ll be fine hopefully

    Professor Frink



At least they didn’t wait 24 hours to tell us…

Cold Soul

My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by the coronavirus



    King Niggaz

    @scarface8547 samehttps://youtu.be/sdo5p3NbVZM

Lil Kjsauce

i liek how they don’t even say who the other people who have it are and only care about zeke

    J. Sanchez

    It’s up to the agents and the players themselves if they want that information out there


I’m a patriots fan but I hope they get well soonπŸ™πŸ»

    Josiah Turpo


    King Niggaz

    @Josiah Turpo ouch kombatrolledhttps://youtu.be/sdo5p3NbVZM

    Coronavirus is your daddy

    @ARROW ! B r u h πŸ’€

    Jerry Junior Official

    Lovely Thank you! I respect your team a lot as a Dallas fan.

    Brian G

    ARROW ! yea girls just follow team to team if they have s boyfriend or winning team

EuGenius AF

Sure more than half caught Covid-19.

Joseph Eddy

A lot of people got it and don’t even realize crazy

I’m wrong but

wasn’t he going to parties with dak prescott? I wanna feel bad but it’s totally his fault if that’s how he got it

    Lorenzo Davila

    Well that was like 2 months ago and how did Texans players get it?


This makes me question:
Will the NFL season even start?

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