Expectations for Kenny Pickett-Led Steelers in AFC North – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
bruce lau

I mean honestly this is the right time for Kenny Pickett for the Steelers, this is his team now and I think this is the right decision to make for Mike Tomlin

    Mot Kaou

    Last VOO https://youtu.be/3RVEXAp6PuU


    @zType And if that happens…..so? Do you think that means everyone will lose their mind if the Steelers get blown out by one of the best teams in football? The Bills can score at will, nobody is expecting Kenny to come out there and smoke the Josh Allen led Bills in his very first NFL start, don’t be ridiculous.


    @Nightwishmaster Throwing in ur rookie at half time with very limited practice and then buffalo is tough…even if hes the real deal hard to show it with limited practice.


    @zType Sure but nobody is expecting him to go out there and beat the Bills, we just want to see him out there learning the NFL game. He’s far, far more exciting to watch than Mitch, I don’t know if I would have even been able to bring myself to watch the game if Mitch were the starter. He’s a nice guy but plays scared and the offense was suffering big time because of it.

anthony Gonzalez

Finally an analysis that makes sense God damn

Yourpapi Yerr

Long story short , Mitch lose his job cuz he was scared to make plays , no confidence in himself & his WRs. Kenny P is a better fit happy he got QB1 before we go 1-7. Leggo Steelers 🪄⚡️🖤


This could be the yinzer in me but I think people are underestimating us. I’m not gonna say we’re gonna win but we have been known to win games people think we shouldn’t. That also comes with losing some games we shouldn’t lol. The potential is there. If we can figure out, we can be dangerous. At worst we’re spoiling seasons, at best we’re back in the playoffs. It’s a marathon not a sprint & we just need to take it one game at a time. Let’s see if he’s a winner.


    in my time of watching the steelers we always end up beating the best teams and losing to the bad teams so i wouldnt be surprised if we do beat the bills and the bucs

    Ari Ufondu

    I’ll say it for you: WE ARE GONNA WIN!

    Mot Kaou

    Last VOO https://youtu.be/3RVEXAp6PuU


The coaching staff had to know Pickett would be the better option when they started the season. However, they signed Mitch and gave him a shot. Offense was stagnant at best and then they throw the kid in there.

    shawn bopko

    Kenny picket is a new kid who will be next at quarterback cause I feel hes going to get hurt


    They Signed Mitch 1st Then No Other team drafted Kenny who they wanted anyway. It Wasn’t about Kenny being Better or Worse. It was about giving Kenny Everything he needed to succeed. Now since Kenny is starting we will see how he fairs against the Bill’s The Buc’s The Eagle’s and the remainder of the schedule and can he hold up. We Will see.

    IDC Netwerk

    It’s an act of desperation right now from the coach Tomlin. He knows that O-Line isn’t moving anybody and it is stagnant. He wants to see if his second choice of Qb can be mobile majority of the time on offense.

    Kelsey Kjarsgaard

    Least got him work vs jets

Abe Tuaone

3 interceptions and 2 came off his receivers’ hands? I can live with that.

    Pussy Destroyer

    @Xbox Bam Mitch Trubisky would never have made that throw…I’ll take the guy who makes that throw.


    @Xbox Bam it wasn’t double coverage. High safety was late and was not tasked with covering claypools route.

    The real issue is how a 6’4” WR can’t high point a contested ball against a 5’8” defender.

    Zeus The Drum Lord

    @Espeonisbad exactly the safety was in zone coverage and moved over once it was thrown, the issue was not throwing into double coverage it was just not great placement, if chase was hit further towards the sideline more in stride it wouldn’t even look “double covered” but since he had to slow down the safety was able to catch up before the ball got there.

    I still stand by that chase should’ve made the catch but the throw was definitely far from perfect. I think probably 9 times out of 10 or more it’s either caught or incomplete. I think the int was a rare outcome.


    @Zeus The Drum Lord if it’s Claypool more like 9/10 it’s incomplete or intercepted 😭. If that was Pickens he was throwing to that would’ve been a catch

    Zeus The Drum Lord

    @Fred oh agreed man, I meant the throw in a vacuum, but didn’t factor in who he was throwing to lol.

    Maybe that’s the worst part of it on Kenny’s part – he trusted claypool to make a combat catch

Erica Esslinger

When we jumped on mitch, we didn’t know we were gonna be able to get a qb in draft

Evan Savage

The 3 interceptions that the national media keeps hammering on are generally not his fault. 2 of them hit receivers hands, and one was a hail mary. He did not throw a legit incompletion all half. He’s going to be legit.

    Randall Pink

    @GRiP1700 3 picks 🤡🗑

    Pussy Destroyer

    @Randall Pink It’s the opposite. QBs who are afraid to make throws like that never make it as NFL starters.

    Joel Carrizales

    @Randall Pink hey buddy…just come in from stupid town?


    @Randall Pink What a casual you have to be. Put it right in Claypool’s terrible hands and he dropped it. Heaven forbid he think his 6’5 240 lb WR could outjump a 5’8 safety and make a play. 🤣🤣

Gareth Moore

Frankly all three of those interceptions weren’t bad throws. Chase had a bit of competition in the air and it was unlucky to get intercepted. The next wasn’t the best placed ball but it was absolutely fine because he wasn’t expecting the receiver to get any yac so a static catch is fine. The last is a hail Mary for the team and those always have an unpredictable outcome. So… let’s say 12 of 13 passes and one more purely for the team intercepted. He’s good. He’s going to get a lot better I think.


    @Sun Shine I would never tell anyone an interception was supposed to be out of bounds. I mean out of bound is the biggest, easiest target there is. That’s the one pass you can’t fail at… he’ll be fine though


    @Sun Shine arm chair qb 😭. You can’t throw it to the sideline genius he was within the pocket. He had to get rid of it in a way that wouldn’t get called for intentional grounding. Couldn’t have expected Pat would volly that to a defender.


    I like what I saw but you can’t just take stats away you wish didn’t happen

    Mitchell Lundgren

    @Clark he was being sacked while he was throwing the ball, it’s not that easy

    Gareth Moore

    @Kyle valid point my man but I’m not doing a statistical analysis here but rather a competency analysis. Stats don’t tell the full story do they. If a qb gets sacked is that because the O line was terrible? Perhaps the turf monster got him? Maybe he’s bad pocket presence? See what I mean? So in this regard I don’t think the stats reflect what happened. 2 mishandled catches resulting in interceptions and another one from a hail Mary. In my book I don’t fault him too much because I think those were more receiver issues than qb issues. Let’s put it this way, it was unlucky and I don’t think we’ll see many interceptions from him from here on out.


The most level-headed, nuanced analysis of the situation I’ve heard so far. Thank you! I wish all sports media was this honest and didn’t just pander to the fanatical rabid public by constantly dishing out the newest “hot take”, irregardless of how irrational or overplayed a certain narrative already is… 

I think Kenny P passes the eye test and seems legit by all accounts so far…I also think a lot of people out there cannot wait to see the Steelers “eventual downfall” (we’ve literally had to hear this tired nonsense for 10+ years now), so those types of NFL fans are always quick to jump on the hate train & predict the absolute worst for us, even though history has not been on their side, nor has the evidence/records ever supported their claims. Do I think this team consistently underperforms & could very well be average or even bad this year? Sure. We might have our first losing record in 20 yrs when it’s all said & done..and it might be ugly. Do I think that going into Buffalo and getting a win is a tall task, especially with how banged up our Defense is? Absolutely. However, it’s not out of the realm of possibility, and anyone who is counting us out & leaving us for dead already hasn’t been paying attention & isn’t being reasonable when looking at the >>>entire<<< picture. Those people are either casuals, bandwagon fans of whatever team is hot right now, being dishonest w. themselves as a way to cope, or just downright actual haters. Any real Steelers fan will be the first to tell you how frustrated we get with our own team...but we will also be the first to tell you that we are comfortable with always being underrated bc we KNOW how good this team could actually be if/when things start clicking. Any other overreaction at this point, good or bad, is unwarranted...so I refuse to pay attention to all of those phony analysts out there just trying to harvest more clicks & likes by declaring that finally, a storied, stable, winning, hallmark franchise is now dead. I will continue to drown out the noise & disregard other fanbases opinions until they have done what we have done for AS LONG as we have done it... ^(No intentional disrespect to the Patriots, but I see alottt of their fans talk trash us online too, & yet I'd still give us a slight edge over them in terms of being a historically great franchise bc we have done more over MULTIPLE eras; whereas it remains to be seen if they can truly sustain their success outside of Brady & Belichick...I think they are certainly a great franchise, for whatever that's worth, but too many of them turn up their noses at us as if we don't also have 6 Lombardi's & it's just weird? So that's the only reason I even added my thoughts on them.) #HereWeGo

    Connor Shafer

    This entire post is spot on. Props to you

    David Almighty

    I’m not reading all that but my boys got it going on her we go baby💥💥

    Sun Shine

    Belichick/Zappe > Tomlin/Pickett

    No Lie

    the meat riding is crazy

John Wayne

I need to watch this show more. First guys I’ve seen give an honest take on Pickett. Even McAfee didn’t do him right. If you watched the game, he was way better than his stat line showed.

Make it-Take it

I like his name. He’s got a sports star name, in any sport. Kenny Pickett. Sounds phonetically like, Can he Pick it? Looks like the Steelers think so. Considering his preseason play, he should have been “picked” as the starting quarterback from the get. I’m a Cincinnati Bengals fan, can’t wait to see him go up against my boys and Joe Burrow. We owe them one.👍

John Broadway

Enjoy the moment.
But it’s going to be a long season.
Expectations have two results, and no matter the final outcome.
Let it be said, that Mr. Pickett has A lot see before we can Christen him the air apparent to how the Steelers will play this year.
I hope we haven’t put him into a position of wasting a young man that if he doesn’t do what is the majority seem to clammer for .
Because, Terry Bradshaw lost his job three times. And Tommy Maddox got hurt.
And both of those guys had great Defenses that made it A whole hell of A lot easier to not be put into that pressure to carry A team.


As a 50 year fan, the last 3-4 years have been tough. It will get worse before it gets better. Kenny has the fight, the drive and will make things happen. The kid has what it takes to get it done. The rest of the team can see it as well. Dont expect a victory in Buffalo. Our defense is banged up and basically completely tired. Things will be different when TJ comes back. I expect they will bring it all together towards the latter part of the season. By then it will be too late. Next season however, a couple good draft picks will be a difference maker. Along with quality Offensive coordinator. They will be contenders next season. Sorry Nation, this year is lost. Unless….they just turn KP loose 100%. All we can do is wait and see


I Love how some quarterbacks can play like absolute dog 💩 and yet they get showered with love because they’re a Steelers QB yet others can ball out and get criticized for every little thing.

TJ Bellah

After seeing all 3 of the INTs I gotta say they really done bother me as much as they did seeing them on the stat sheet

Dmeads 56

Kenny is a very accurate passer, honestly reminds me of Aaron Rodgers in a way.


    I’ve always thought the same thing. Time will tell

Ryan R

At least he’s taking chances downfield, and two of those interceptions were close to actually being caught or was tipped.

Meridias Watchtower

He threw three picks because he went in unprepared (on top of being a rookie unaccustomed to the speed and sophistication of NFL defenses). I thought he should have started over Trubisky given how he performed in the preseason. It’s clear Pickett is gonna be the next franchise QB for the Steelers if he can continue to improve and build on his confidence.

Gladius 1

Two picks were off the hands of his receivers that had really legitimate opportunities to make those catches and the other was an extremely low percentage hail mary shot at the end of a game. He looks like a talented, poised baller to me.

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