Exit Interview: Alex Smith | January 10, 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nate D

Thank you Alex!

    Alex Smith

    Your welcome.

    mob tyz

    @Alex Smith you’re*

Coach Darren

Great year and great comeback Alex Smith..

    Alex Smith

    Thank you!

    Sal Zad

    @Alex Smith You are not Alex Smith. Pathetic.

mob tyz

Comeback player of the year

    Alex Hoy



Turned into a truly inspirational story even with how it turned out. May not have been the intention, but it happened

    Alex Smith


Joe Liberty

Alex, you are a star regardless of the end result this year. Hope you’ll be back next year leading this team to a winning season.

Trev J

This guy became one of my all time favorites this season. Thank you Alex

Nicholas Miller

11-5 as a starter for skins, i say bring him back!

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