EXCLUSIVE | Roy Lopez Gets the Call to Join the Houston Texans – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Cesar Games

Let’s go

Troy Polamalu #KingTroy #TrojanLegend #SC

Glad they got a new Janitor

    Abracadabra Records TV

    Same here!!!!
    He is gonna get rid of all the trash!!

    madwrestler 145

    What do you got against Hispanics?

Cesar Games

I thought yelling were gonna get cornerbacks but ok

    Cesar Games

    The texans jntead of yelling

Cesar Games

The texans


lets goo

Danya Donnamarie


    Winter Frost

    I am not clicking that

Abracadabra Records TV

Let’s Go Roy!!!!

Steve Martinez

Heck yeah,,,,”Maton” the killer……Lopez…..Go Texans

Sean Colunga

Nick Caserio is literally saving this franchise from oblivion. I’ll be praying for him and his family. Thankful to have em in Houston

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