EXCLUSIVE: Lovie Smith Reacts to Being Hired as Texans Head Coach + GM Nick Caserio on the Decision – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Jaime Q

The right man for the job im excited to see what we can accomplish we need players though more talent if we want to win these is the first step in right direction though

lil max

Gooooooo texans

DWil 86

Great video by Lovie. In Sharp contrast to culley.

Kreston Kessel

Can’t wait for next season….Go Texans!!

Charles Box

Love the hire



Murky Waters

Show these clowns how to be a leader of men


I have the utmost respect for Coach Smith and the staff and players and I want him and them too succeed no matter what!!

But, I will be rooting for the Texans to lose!!
Not for Smith or the team to lose…
but for the McNairs and Easterby to lose!!

1200 CeeJay

Texans super bowl champs 2024 heard it here first

My Advicees

Lovie Smith is going to have to make a big decision next month. Why because Baker Mayfield is going to demand to go to Houston Texans March 14th 2022.

Grayson Berry

Rams v Bengals was a reminder, there is a formula:
Top 5 QB play and great head coach (innovative/unconventional) = Super Bowl berth more than not.
You draft until you get him, and stay away from re-tread HC’s in favor of ‘upside’ (Flores, Bienemy, Harbaugh, etc)


I’m more amazed by how the man is nearly at retirement age but still doesn’t look a day over 50, minus the white beard.

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