EXCLUSIVE: Behind-The-Scenes Look at Houston Texans during COVID Training Camp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
O'Brien's Family Dog

Fire O’Brien!!!

    Junior Garcia



Man you guys should make these behind the scenes like 15-30 minutes like other teams like the Cardinals and the browns. That’s where you guys are going to get your views up instead of your little sizzle reel thing

    Arnold Kintu



Let’s go new look same ol’ ❤ for my Texans…🤘🤘😷

Brian Martin


Raul Aguirre

When Bill O’Brien gets fired then mcnairs will sell the team

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    Whatever makes them happy.
    O’Brien is an idiot!

Michael Turner


Jeremy S

I like these kind of videos on the channel keep bringing these.

Jeremy S

I still stand by bill o’Brian

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    Does his wife know?

    Jeremy S

    Only when she joins

Kenneth Weder

Absolutely amazing the Texans can do all this but they can’t seem to muster enough strength to all stand up for the national anthem and show respect to the flag that the military wears on their sleeve to protect them and give them the freedom to play their games in a free country and make millions of dollars doing it!

    O'Brien's Family Dog

    Okay. Watch, dont watch. Dont care if you dont want to care to understand it.


    Kenneth Weder Ummmmm i hope you know that a green beret told Colin Kaepernick to kneel and he did but now you’re getting angry because it’s disrespectful to the military when literally people in the military said they fought for Colin’s right to kneel. But you’re so deplorable and uneducated that you don’t know to truth behind it and just want to get your narrative right. Grow tf up Kenneth

    Madwrestler 145

    I have 3 vets in the family and they all support kneeling

Tony Yayo

BOB should drive American Cadillac instead of a German product

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