Every Touch From Austin Ekeler’s First Game Back | NFL Highlights – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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R.I.P Playoff Hopes and Dreams 2020-2020

    Jesse Terrell

    Lol those should of died a long time ago


Fire lynn

    Sports YT

    I see you every vid saying that πŸ˜‚ Fire Lynn

    Skillz beastboy

    Fire Lyn

Carson Curry

Love #30 on the feild!! Bolt up Baby!

The Whys Guys Podcast

Coach Lynn is a great manβ€” but he needs to be fired β€” along with Bradley and our offensive coordinator. Please…please give what fans we have left a reason to watch the rest of the season…. please

Nathan Delaney

Got any highlights of the offense line blocking for him though.

michael dailey

Nice to see our beast out there again !!⚑️⚑️⚑️

Diego Verduzco

The last play bruh πŸ’€πŸ’€

The NoMad

Damn, he’s a workhorse! lol benched him in fantasy; surprised the hell outta me considering he just came off an injury

Greg Thornton

What if…glad to have him back.

Skillz beastboy


Sergio MuΓ±iz

Ekeler!!! The beast. Looking forward to him being the bell cow for the team and showing everyone what he can do. Go boltz ⚑⚑⚑

Aloof Bean

Is it me or did he seem less explosive?


    He looked great. That offense needs to do better blocking

    Aloof Bean

    @MilliTings oh aight he just usually looks more balanced and his lil legs usually look a lil faster but that could’ve been blocking yah I see what your sayin


Not complaining but shouldn’t we have eased Ekeler back into playing form rather than overplaying him I mean like I said definitely not complaining great to have him back but personally I wouldn’t overplay a player in his first game back from injury just common sense

Ashley-jo blair

Herbert makes Ekeler look so small

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