Every Team’s Best Play from Week 4 | NFL 2022 Highlights – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Every Team’s Best Play from Week 4 | NFL 2022 Highlights

0:00 Bengals
0:18 Dolphins
0:41 Vikings
0:55 Saints
1:09 Browns
1:23 Falcons
1:44 Ravens
2:05 Bills
2:19 Cowboys
2:32 Commanders
2:43 Lions
3:11 Seahawks
3:28 Texans
3:52 Chargers
4:05 Colts
4:25 Titans
4:45 Giants
5:10 Bears
5:27 Jaguars
5:48 Eagles
6:08 Jets
6:28 Steelers
6:47 Cardinals
7:09 Panthers
7:27 Patriots
7:47 Packers
8:01 Raiders
8:33 Broncos
8:48 Chiefs
9:14 Buccaneers
9:26 Rams
9:40 49ers

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Silver Fox Sports

Jack jones is a beast


That run from the falcons tho 😂 mini Derrick Henry

    The RC Plane Builder


Kurtis B.

Really? The Falcons had an interception at the end of the game to seal the deal and their “best” play was a random run? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Look at those eagles go fly eagles fly!!!


I can’t tell if he is driving trying to get to him or doing a fake dive to make it look like he’s trying when he just wants to stop running 🤣

    Joe Berg

    Bro I laughed so hard when I saw that lol😂

    Cole Rowland

    Leave him alone he tried his best! 😄

Zach Rowson

The downfield blocking by the niners insane so many pancakes 😂

Andres Rubio

Deebo really made something outa nothing on that play #yacbrocertified

Andres Rubio

The fact that that was the rams best play the whole game speaks volumes for the 49ers defense 🤝


    @Javiswabi defending sb Champs? What years ago? 🤣


    @Jace Adeva Their defense is terrible homie you can’t deny it


    @Eugene Dingleberry niners defense is ranked 12th buddy 🤣


    @Cheehee 808 it’s straight facts buddy

    Cheehee 808

    @XxSofaKingDopexX lmao you just trolling right now. And not doing a very good job either. Do better kid haha

Angie Maniaci

The Bills’ best play was Josh Allen’s touchdown run.

bruce lau

Love my NY GIANTS, Saquon Barkley still doing it and being healthy rn is 100% bigtime


DEEBO making Jimmy look good again. That pass was to high 🤩


    If jimmy throws that any lower, it would have been picked off

    Dilan Rg

    No Jimmy through that perfect so only Deebo can get it you don’t no what your talking about

    Zachary Hedrick

    if the pass was low it would have been picked off

Reanna Gordon

Falcons tied with the Bucs for 1st with the chance to take sole possession next week? Nice!

Nzane Spontane

Terrific katch and run, one on one with Ramsey …. kant bring him down, Samuel…. highlight reel! Touchdown 49ers!!!!


Bro, I’m glad that a third of the plays were a defensive play, so many defensive touchdowns!! Good job defense!!

Andrew Goodhand

Mahomes is insane 😂

・your non favorite person 👍・

Love my NY GIANTS, Saquon Barkley still doing it and being healthy rn is 100% bigtime

Vandan Patel

Just saying Seattle scored more against niners than the rams 🤷🏽‍♂️

・your non favorite person 👍・

Love my NY GIANTS, Saquon Barkley still doing it and being healthy rn is 100% bigtime

Lazerus laz

Anyone who watched the Chiefs/Buccs game, knew what the play of the game for the Chiefs was going t obe.

Rebbecca- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞

Love my NY GIANTS, Saquon Barkley still doing it and being healthy rn is 100% bigtime

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