Every NFL Team’s Playoff Clinching Scenarios in Week 15 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Johnny Cash

Seattle clinching

PeanutButterSnowflakeDoggieGucciMan 3

I don’t know why the Jets aren’t on here. They have a perfect season so far.

    daily pints of persistence

    @Allstar Gaming they will 100% win the loser bowl LOL

    Simon Space here

    They already practically made the playoffs in week one

    RayKC - Brawl Stars

    @Luke Colonna yea, the #1 seed 😳

    Avanish Rajesh

    they’ve clinched it already

    pink baby


Erik Munoz

So The Colts aren’t in playoff contention or what?


    they need to learn how to tackle King Henry before considering


    @makhi.11k 10 starters out and an all pro. Healthy v healthy titans getting smacked

    Erik Munoz

    @Nolan Krause got it thanks for the heads up bro 👍


    @Josh starters what? Darious Leonard couldnt even stop him, yall all look like youth footballers

    Miguel Mendoza

    @makhi.11k I take both W and L against the titans as a colts fan, but on game 1 Colts outplayed the titans and neutralized Henry. Game 2 we didn’t have the starters on D-line. Anyway I know there were missing key players on both sides, but don’t say Colts don’t know how to tackle Henry when he was completely neutralized before the dline players were out for game 2


Jets aren’t on here? Ew

Sports 311

The Cleveland Browns for sure are good enough to get into the playoffs


    I never thought I’d see these words and not immediately think someone was being sarcastic… 😆 🤣 🙏 🙏

    Robbin Yobech

    @sk8inguy420 because you probably don’t watch football. The browns been rebuilding.

    Gamer King

    @Quit cappin if they face the ravens or titans nah they aint

    Avanish Rajesh

    @Quit cappin Maybe but not smacked

    Avanish Rajesh

    @Robbin Yobech bruh. He said that because before he would be like they’re sarcastic now he’s saying they prolly aren’t sarcastic

Gabriel Zavala

Imagine if the vikings and bears tied though
The rams bucs and Seahawks would be in the playoffs


    Wait the bars and Vikings can tie at start of seoson Viking wer like 1-5 bears were like 5-1

    M D

    The rams and the hawks are already in the playoffs

Jonathan Frimerman

If the Bears and Vikings tie, than 3 NFC teams get in. Bucs Rams and Seahawks

    Andrew Scocozza

    Let’s go Steelers!

The Goats

Looks like half the teams in the NFC need a Minnesota-Chicago tie

    RayKC - Brawl Stars

    Mostly because they both share a good chance at the 7th seed and them losing/tying would result in them staying in the top 7


So for the NFC, almost everything depends on the Bears – Vikings game?

    Apple 9089

    Diggy37 yeah I noticed that. Very weird

Aarush Pathuri

70 percent of AFC teams need Baltimore to lose

Dog Dude


Oliver Mcmann

The bills are going and need one win one win to win the title

Apple 9089

I’m a bears fan but so many teams need us to tie

Michael Capo

How can the jets make the playoffs?

Bass Mover

Yo what’s the trap song playing in the background????


Lol. Seems like Buffalo always needs the Ravens to lose to get into the playoffs

Malachi Burbank

ALLEN 4 MVP!!😤🔥🔥😎

Aaron Nesmith

The jets are so good that they got all of their wins in the 1st week 😎

Dege JB

I even guess the Browns could win the Division

Kaushik Attuluri

Just a Hawks win or a bears loss. We have tiebreakers over Vikings.
For bucs it’s just a Win or a bears loss

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