Every Drew Lock touchdown from the 2019 season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ancy Daman

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Rohan Potu

Is it just me or did this year go by really fast

    Tony Flamingo

    Rohan Potu it did when he got in there. The rest of the season was boring as hell


    Every year you’re alive feels quicker than the last.


Onward and upward!

Zachary Couch

Prediction; Drew Lock: 25Tds 10ints 3000+ Passing Yards, 9-7 Record, 2nd in AFC West, Wild Card 6th Seed


    Zachary Couch stop being so realistic! He’s for sure going 16-0, 60+ tds, 5 ints and 7,000 yds! Lol

    Zachary Couch

    @logman2142 Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a MVP Season like Pat Mahomes did in his 1st year as a Starter, He needs more offensive weapons for that to happen tho

Tanner Laycob

What about Flacco

    Elephant Rifle

    Tanner Laycob he gone

    Chris Diaz

    He barely did anything


    Chris Diaz unfortunately he managed to do enough to keep us out of the playoffs

    The Discussion



30Tds next year, you heard it here first

Chunky Montages

Nice video guys

Yousir Cantknow

Go Broncos!
Hail Elway!

Daily Dad


Ian Burke

Look forward to seeing him play again next season already. I can tell he wants to lead the broncos


Can’t wait for the 2020 version to include the Broncos playoff and superbowl TDs

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