Evan Weaver: “I’m a Pretty Fiery Dude” | Arizona Cardinals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
darkness 445


Arizona Animal

Love this pick. Evan Weaver is “Sean Lee” type of player,high character,all effort,smart & relentless.

    _ JDP2104 _

    Let’s hope he’s like Sean Lee but not injury prone

    Arizona Animal

    no worries,Weaver is durable.


..im thinkin this guy is a “Rudy-type”..a big heart who’s gonna give you all he’s got– can’t wait to watch him and the guys!


    A Rudy type that actually has some athleticism 😆



    Rogue Koala


Edmonton Boy

Don’t you mean “I’m a fun guy…hee heh ha ha ha heh”

marijane loves me

Let’s beat our division. The BBQs taste so much better!

57deuceGaming !!

We drafted Mr. Incredible

Peter Bak

He’s got the look of a man that reads the newspaper every morning with coffee and complains about how technology is ruining the youth.

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