ESPN’s Mina Kimes on Drew Lock, Jerry Jeudy and expectations for the Broncos – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nick Bruns

Some Folks Have Come to Despise the NFL…

For fans who follow the sport, most of this will be a simple reminder of things you already know. For the rest, it’s a wake-up call:

In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling before each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.

In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.

In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said “Know Jesus Know Peace” but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.

In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing “Find the Cure “eye black for breast cancer awareness.

In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem..).

In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.

2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression. It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue:

For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily, for being cops, or for the Memory of 9/11…

BUT they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America, and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now has shown itself to be.

Pass this post along to all your friends and family, if you believe it worthy of sharing. Honor our military; too many of whom have come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.


    It has nothing to do with the flag for the 5 millionth time


    Yeah the NFL really supported the kneeling. That’s why nobody wanted Kap due to his controversy, because they liked it.

    Make your point if you want to, but don’t spin facts to make it more appealing. That just makes it all meaningless when people inevitably see what you’re doing.


    @Higher Learnings Exactly. People do not see eye to eye or understand each other.
    I do not believe that people are trying to understand each other because if they did they wouldn’t stop thinking in such extremes and they would understand what everyone’s saying, even if they don’t necessarily agree.
    But that takes awareness and the willingness to understand other people which I don’t think that many people have.
    People just want to believe what they believe and ignore everything else.

    1. Kneeling (in and of itself) is not a sign of disrespect. Look at all those statues of the Marines kneeling with their guns that I see in Texas. Often times military men will kneel out of a sign of respect when they lose a follow soldier.

    2. In America we have the ‘First Amendment’! [Freedom of speech, freedom of religion (or freedom from religion), freedom of press, and freedom of assembly.]

    So it is completely in their rights to kneel.
    however I do not believe they are kneeling out of respect for the flag. I believe that they are kneeling and making a statement about police brutality, social injustice, and inequality! I believe their intention is to highlight their social causes. And they have every right to do that. And anyone who doesn’t like it also has the right to not participate and not watch the games.

    3. to people who are very patriotic they consider standing for the flag without a hat to be something as a symbol of respect.

    And to the people Who are kneeling They do not feel that there is equality or that things are just. And for many reasons so. Just Look at our history.

    (It would be like celebrating Independence day while still holding slaves.. the hypocrisy!)

    I do not support BLM (the organization), As I do not trust ANY political movements, And the fact that they’re giving tons of money to Biden just shows…

    This should not be a political movement… It is a movement on the issues not a political movement. Because that’s not inclusive and it puts people in boxes.

    I AM ALL FOR RIGHTS, I’m for BLACK RIGHTS, equality, fighting corruption and brutality, helping to strengthen the community etc- I am for black rights, Because that’s HUMAN rights. All rights are human-rights! And they should be applied equally to all. ( Often They are not, BUT THEY SHOULD BE!) And that’s the whole fight for equality.

    ‘Equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome.’

    everyone should have the same opportunities or the accessibility to similar opportunities. And this is equality of opportunity. Whereas, equality of outcome is dictatorial. Because that means no matter how hard you work you should be paid the same. Which is clearly and obviously not fair at all to anyone.

    4. I think we should be understanding to those who feel that kneeling during the national anthem is a sign of disrespect. As some people have fought in the military and have lost people in their families and they feel greatly hurt by this.

    5. However, those who’ve lost their families to police brutality and other injustices also feel hurt by the inability to express their free rights and free speech.

    hopefully we can find a way so that people can understand each other and we can move forward in a good way!

    I’m sure (hope) we can find a way for people to find a happy middle ground in which people can express themselves while still being respectful to others.


    @Rhinopocalypes true that. What you said. They definitely didn’t support anyone kneeling. Definitely agree with what you said


    @Rhinopocalypes And yeah, out of respect for those who feel hurt by people kneeling during the anthem, it would be cool if they could find another way to do it. But then again, if they didn’t do it at that point to get attention then people wouldn’t even listen if they were talking about social injustice, police brutality etc
    So yeah they kind of do it in a time in which you will get the most attention.

MJ Gaming and Comedy

I have a lot of hopes for this year, lest go Broncos!!!



Off Roader

Well Mina Super Bowl 48 was a fluke so..

    Aaron Crayton

    Fax game was rigged


    @Aaron Crayton Not really rigged, mostly just very unlucky for the Broncos. They lost 6 of their starting 11 defensive players including Wolf, Miller, and Harris. That’s a huge talent deficit that probably contributed to 40 of the points the seahawks scored.


We LOVE Jerry Jeudy!!! I hope von Miller pumps up the whole team and that they play with a huge amount of energy. I believe that if we play with a lot of energy we can win a lot more games then people realize! โœ…โœ…โœ…

Chad Jensen

Why do we care what Kimes thinks?


This woman seems like a nice enough person, but she’s the kind of national media individual that drives me crazy. Narrative 1: the Chiefs are the best team in football–practically unbeatable; narrative 2: Von Miller had a down year last year. UGH! Taking them in reverse order, Von did NOT have a down year. Only his number of sacks was down, nothing else about his game–QB pressures, forced incompletions. And a guy like Derrick Wold had the most sacks of his career–because of the double and triple teams Von absorbed. Besides, he had a new DC, so adjusting took time for the entire defense. The idea that Von did not have a good season last year, is laughable.

Then the Chiefs. According to the national media, apparently, the rest of the NFL should just mail in their second place efforts because the Chiefs are just that good. But who beat them last year? And how was it that they fell behind so badly in each of their playoff games? The other teams had to be doing something right which they didn’t sustain or to which the Chiefs adjusted without a reciprocal adjustment from their opponent. But for half the game, the Titans, say, played as well as the Chiefs. I just think the media doesn’t realize how good teams are, the fine line between winning and losing. Unless a team simply does not have NFL caliber players, any team can beat any other team any given week.

    Nikolas B


Stew Meat

Mina flexing ahhh! ๐Ÿ˜‚ she hot tho!

Leo Quist

She doesnt give them enough respect

Nikolas B

That tattoo is so triggering

Aaron Humphrey


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