Eric DeCosta’s Reasoning for Restocking Wide Receivers | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Mile Downey

If you believe you already had it why did you draft them nonsense


    Right, but you know he can’t said all that straight up in front of the cameras

    king shark

    Exactly, how we can see, the wrs were under used, barely schemed , but because of all the outside noise,, the guy brings in 3 more wrs, … and sneaks in a new fullback and tightend.

    Garrett Tosh

    Because he can’t say “To be honest, Miles Boykin kinda sucks and we needed to replace him”. I think he was also just trying to give props to Hollywood who has been good and not had any help around him at WR to take attention away from him.

    king shark

    @Garrett Tosh … I think the real honesty is…. well I drafted some top flight spread offense style wrs, but the offensive coordinator is using a military academy offensive scheme.

Yung Millionaire Gangster

Cuz we needed new WRs who can get open 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ Boykins needs to be a TE

    Nick Alexander

    Naw boykins need to grab his ball and go tf home

    bruh lol

    @Nick Alexander nah, if he moves to TE, we can run a 3 TE set, like we did a lot in 2019. i don’t think hes a great receiver at all, hes below average. i think he would be a little better at TE tho and we wouldnt have wasted a draft pick on him yk

Kelvin Chirino

Who do y’all think is going to do better Wallace or Bateman?


    @Joshua Okparaocha well Hayden Hurst was a 1st round and Mark Andrews a 4th (i think?) and Andrews is still on the team and Hurst isnt.


    @Trey yeah Andrews is considered (I believe) 3rd or 4th best TE if I recall?


    I think Bateman’s gonna start, with Watkins as the #2 and Brown out of the slot. I honestly think the new receivers open the door for Brown to have a big year. I think he’d be better working out of the slot over the middle of the field, and he’s still gonna get a lot of targets seeing as that he and Lamar already have chemistry. As far as Wallace, I see them using him like Duvernay last year, just enough to piss you off that he’s not getting real PT.

    Joshua Okparaocha

    @Trey Because he outperformed Hurst. It was not expected or Andrews would’ve been drafted first. The question is expectations. The first rounder is expected to Fr more successful

    Truth Bearer

    @Joshua Okparaocha I dont follow college football that closely anymore but apparently Wallace is someone who could have been a 1st rounder if he didn’t get hurt. So Ravens really may have gotten a steal. Imagine if Wallace is at least as good or even better than Brown. The Ravens could really have something special now.

Seto Kaibas Bank Account

First Ozzie and now DeCosta. We are spoiled at the GM position, the Ravens are lucky to have had such great GMs.


    I gotta thank Art Modell for that, and the Steelers (to a degree). From day one they’ve had a model of stability in leadership positions. They generally promote from the inside, and even when making major changes (ownership, GM) it’s done in such a manner that the transition is almost seamless. Steve Biscotti learned the game from Art Modell for 5 years before he took over majority ownership, and even then kept Art around pretty much until he died. EDC learned under Ozzie Newsome, quite possibly the greatest GM ever (I know I’m a little biased), for 25 years before taking the helm, and again, still has ON on as a consultant. The portion I think they take from the Steelers book is consistency at the HC position. The Steelers have had 3 coaches since 1970 – Chuck Noll, Bill Cohwer, and Mike Tomlin – all of which have won a title. I think the they saw that and the alternative (Browns) and try to stick with their coach. For that reason I don’t think Harbaugh has truly been close to being fired.

    James Mccoy

    I’m not sold on DeCosta solo….

XyZ Phantom24


king shark

Soooooo…. draft spread offense wrs. But run 3 tight end rpo offense.


    king shark

    @Joshua Okparaocha … tell you what, do ignore the fact we do this same mess over and over. …. people act like this a passing offense, with a pocket qb, and all messing is a wr.

    Dont worry, that new tightend will create the new 2019 mvp scheme, of 3 tightends, a full back… split the rb out wide, with just 1 we on the field.

    N Andrews the #1 read cause it’s all cleared out for him.


    @king shark THANK YOU !!! These Fans are so delusional, we have two of the most stubborn coaches of the league but somehow peoples expect them to change.

    Roman who have the same playbook since 2010 don’t give a F*** about Lamar’s progression as a QB, he just want to run him to death because he is a “Running Coordinator” NOT a OC and being a top 5 running team & bottom 5 passing team EVERY YEARS is what he do, but peoples still believe that he’ll change something.

    Harbs (good coach) BUT who don’t know squat about offense or defense but is the master of ST, peoples think he can come up with a plan at halftime when his team is dominated just because he miraculously won a SB ( 4th&29 check down thx Ray…Kick,Punt return,All Mary? give it to “MVP Jacoby”…). And if all of that doesn’t work, just cut the light off and come back “stronger” because…God…you know…

    Rashad Johnson

    @king shark I’m optimistic, that’s something you lack a lot of.

    king shark

    @BigDwarf …. dayum…. you all over it.
    👏👏👏👏👏 , now this is a raven flock fan, we love our team, but we gone call out the bs. We been down these, “we gone change” road to many times, and the potholes have yet to be fixed.

    king shark

    @Rashad Johnson … true, very true. I’m and as you can see few others are realistic too.

    Decosta drafting guys for air raid scheme. But we running a navy vs army game offense. Where is the over 6ft , 200lbs, good hand so call #1 we at.

    Anyone with good eyes know. These guys all still fit the slot wr mold in the ravens offensive scheme, size wise.

Nanna Rav#8

Garrett, I’m so grateful to EDC for trying to turn this Offense around and equal out both sides of the game. I could just hug him. Yes, the run game is effective most of the time, but not ALL of the time especially when our run game is shut down and we struggle or outright lose in a game. EDC recognizes we need to be more balanced and you can see he committed to getting it right as he is proactively making adjustment each season that passes. Progress takes time, but EDC is definitely headed in the right direction. Let’s Get it EDC! Let’s Go Ravens!💜🖤💛


    All EDC have to do now is say good bye to Harbs & Roman

Ryan damon

Hi 💜🔥🖤

Sam Dath

I hope we are close to extension with Lamar


    I doubt that, with his mom being his agent lmao

Thomas Blizzard

I like how he took a shot at Ozzie at the beginning.

    Rex GameWell

    Not really, He just wants to be known for something different. Just like Ozzie is known for drafting good defensive players.

    Thomas Blizzard

    @Rex GameWell nah. He took a shot at Ozzie. He was joking but he still took a shot. I laughed with him.


    @Rex GameWell I agree. He’s in Ozzie’s shadow rn. EDC is trying to build his own legacy. And winning a SB with a true #1 WR will definitely put him in the conversation for the city of Baltimore’s greatest GM’s. As for sports overall, he’s got a ways to go.

Garrett Tosh

It’s really nice to see Eric actually valuing the WR position instead of shopping off the scrap heap


way more versitility than last year from Snead and Boykin, definite upgrades gotta give props.. Give Proche more playing time, he can play

slick25 cards

All are unproven except Andrew’s

TyCoon 21

I was not expecting Rashod Bateman to still be there for us to pick up. 3 drafts in a row where I was happy as f*** with all the picks and didn’t question them.

Pro Sports Outlook

Love the sense of humor from DeCosta about his legacy in Baltimore. Adding receivers through the draft is a smart way to build and control your roster development.

Leroy Worsley


David Landowski

RIP to Hollywood and Boykin and Duvernay and Proche who are watching this video.


    Hollywood and Duvernay will make the final cut, I’m fine with losing Boykin and Proche

    David Landowski

    @GoldLion198 we won’t lose Proche. He will at least remain special teams. Guy returned a TD and averaged positive yardage on Punts

    Phillip Dow

    @GoldLion198 Boykin is our best blocking receiver. That’s why he’s always on the field. Each receiver does something well, even if they’re not catching a lot of passes.


    The Ravens have always had a total of six receiver slots on the main roster, Hollywood, Sammie, and Duvernay will be on that roster, if Bateman outperforms Boykin at the training camp I’m just saying he’s going have to step up he game if he wants to make the final cut

Vanji Cagahastian

In Eric We Truzz!!!!💜🖤🏈🏈😈😈 Go Ravens Nation 💜🖤


That’s a great goal, but I hope he brings more than just a WR. Bringing us our 3rd (and possibly more) Super Bowl win would be great.

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