Eric DeCosta’s Calls to Ravens Draft Picks | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


The Sportz Family


Felipe Perez


Kevin Mitchell


Denirio Watkins


Jay Dave


Bry Bry

Is it September yet??

Dasean Chandler

My ravens killed this draft A Across the board lets goooo

Kirstin Marie

Ravens nailed this draft. #InDeCostaWeTruss

    aaron gross

    Yes sir


loved it


Eric “I love you…” DeCosta

ryan damon


Matthew Paul Walker

“This is a huge pick, we completely ripped off Minnesota for this pick so this is special for us.”
I love EDC

2Lit 4Tay

It’s amazing how it happens

Lionel Messigician

Proche was an absolute steal

Tiago Jaime

Mr GM Erice DeCosta nice nice job…THX… im realy want to see bronson rechsteiner playing PLZ JEZUS M** F** Lord Hard player 100% in love with the game ( never no if cant be a DE 😀 ) the guy is fast…. GL to off season

    Sean Gress Jr

    6ft big really good blocker in his college if that translates i can see him being our Fullback, and his speed would just be a bonus i herd somewhere he ran a sub 4.40 in Pro day

Rhys Wexler

This pick is really important because we got you from a 5th round pick for a practice squad kicker 😂

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