Eric Bieniemy: “Everybody is moving in the right direction” | Press Conference 8/15 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Yolo ZR

And here too

Alfredo Soto

Eric “the 🐐” beiniemy

Jay Hill

Please do leave us Eric

    xWFx_Storm_- 816

    Hope you meant to say don’t lol

Why not

Future head coach


    I’m be honest the only coach I want to replace Reid when he wants to retire will be EB

Ricky Jones

Frank tagged the rookie. I love this team!

___ underscore

Need to turn Erics audio up

David Betzel

EB callin his qb a prick ….priceless

Lord Tutinean

I remember Eric from back in his college days! Excellent…what a team!!

Ryan Carr

He will say this.

alysia lathwell

Selfishly I hope bienemy sticks around with the chiefs for a long time. He absolutely deserves to be a head coach.

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