Ep. 10: Bratwurst | Mitch in the Kitch – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Joseph Gomez

Pat Mahhomes the best QB ever

Skaoaooakkzkk Snowpack

And yet he’s not elite because “He HaS nO aThLeTiCiSm”. Which means Cam Erving is the greatest Offensive Tackle of all time.

Edit: Got Chris Jones signed to an extension!!!!

Zach Rich

This is so epic

Sam C

Digging the fancy pepper grinder lol


I never thought about boiling them first. I will try this.

    Nick Dhuyvetter

    Don’t boil them! Steam them in beer first, then sear. Get some nice, high end, stone ground mustard & make homemade sauerkraut, done!

Bonnie Keough


ELPFAN Jahrling

I Boil Mine With No Casing..
Being a German and all …
I Cook Mine In Beer …
And Goes Well With Sauerbraten ( which takes 2 days to Make ) Im German and Proud Of it ….


You Chiefs fans ready for a name change?? Cancel culture is coming to you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Big Memes

Yo dude big fan

Big Memes

Are you sad about Kendall getting signed out the redskins wait or did you sign him to the cheifs

patti mcmurray

I love Mitch in the Kitch! Keep it up😁

Ahmy B

Mitch do he play blind side ?

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