



Juan Alvarez

MAGA 2020! Get to work!

    Sean 117

    @Chris You seem to be having a very rough time comprehending… really anything. You’ve given me the worst argument yet from a New Yorker, petty insults mainly. You ignore the facts because you know it invalidates your claims, so be my guest to further embarrass yourself. Also, I’ll say again, try to at least make yourself appear somewhat educated, otherwise no one will take you seriously, no matter what you have to say.

    Zoomer Conservative

    Chris It’s hilarious to me that you are calling “MAGA” people racist. You do know that not only white people support Trump? You calling them racist is ACTUAL racism. Stick to watching people catch an egg and people hitting a ball with a stick, politics are too much for your brain to handle “foh”.

    Sean 117

    @Zoomer Conservative Chris is suffering from a low IQ, to be honest it’s probably not his fault, his underachieving environment aka New York is likely the cause. So, he resorts to fillings in the missing knowledge with a bad, narcissistic attitude and Inferior complex. Not surprising.

    Zoomer Conservative

    Sean 117 Yeah Ive come to the conclusion that being a Jets/Mets fan is detrimental to your mental health lol

    Sean 117

    @Zoomer Conservative Might be time for us to withdraw our support for the Jets/Mets. Go watch the UFC if you don’t already, Dana white is a big MAGA supporter and without the SJW nonsense.



    Steven Rondina

    Juan Alvarez no one is saying not all lives matter…you are assuming/disregarding a cry for help is saying it does on a comment in a video that is not saying only black lives matter.

    Just stop, dude

    Tony Russo

    @Juan Alvarez dope


    @Juan Alvarez if you can say all lives matter you can also say blm becuase that’s apart of alm

    Juan Alvarez

    2kbruh of course black lives matter. I believe all lives matter. I don’t see color, race or religion. I see people and love everyone! Even Mets, Red Sox and Patriots fans too!

Juan Alvarez

Why don’t we do this when babies or soldiers die?!? Instead, we do it when criminals and bad people die.

    Dillon Alex


    NY Sports MC

    @Dillon Alex he’s racist because he doesn’t want ppl to come in illegally lol wow

    Tony Russo

    don’t care didn’t ask plus you’re white

    Jared B

    @Drippy criminals also know what they are getting into when they resist arrest. Twice as many unarmed white people were killed by the police last year. Where is the outrage?



Kensi Poukouta

Proud of my JETS for being among the first in the NFL to react

Eric Mazanec


My-T 1

What’s one more day off, when the drought has been 51 years.


    One practice wont change the outcome of a super bowl run now if it was multiple probaly but it wasn’t

Troy F.

Keep up the Good Work!! 👏👏👏

Matt A

Enough is enough with social justice warriors defending a guy actively resisting police orders while having a warrant for arrest. It’s an unprosecutable case . George Floyd? We get it. Jacob Blake? No chance. Here’s an idea: if you don’t resist police and ignore their orders, you won’t get shot!

    Juan Alvarez

    Matt A I wonder what they would do if they were put in that same position…

    Tony Russo

    @Matt A beta male is that you?!


    going into a car when ordered not to go back to the car is a threat to the officers lives..guns are kept in cars under seats etc. Yes..they should’ve tackled the perp..but …dont go back and reach into a car.


    Since this is a football team… I’ll say to those who never did the job and cant do the job. DON’T PLAY MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK ! You dont know the job.

    Juan Alvarez

    John well said! All you have to do is follow the rules. We’ve been taught this since we were little kids.

Gang Green

If we canceled practice on Thursday then I hope we practiced 3x on Friday…a franchise that hasn’t made the postseason in almost a decade needs ALL the reps they can get… does anyone know if the Pat’s skipped practice?

    Juan Alvarez

    I think we should be practicing 24/7!

    Tony Russo

    Beta male


    Agreed. This team is a joke.


    They didn’t practice Friday. Scheduled off day.

    Gang Green

    @Tony Russo I can call names too,Snowflake Soyboy. ❄🌈😭

Ray Combest



Enough is enough – with loosing!!!!


You not practicing changes nothing…

Evan Wallman

This is a wrong step in the wrong direction for this franchise and the NFL. If the NFL turns into the NBA I will stop watching football. Players have the right to boycott (It actually would be a strike not a boycott) but it will only hurt the NFL not the fans

    Sean 117

    #Trump2020 #MAGA


    So don’t watch. Who cares?

    Sean 117

    @courteo Keep saying that and when the leagues lose too many viewers, then they’ll be the one’s caring.


all the promos and everything is not going to work read the bible it is only going to get worse from and for everyone. This is a lost cause to distract people from obeying the bible and truly effecting change.

Dan Rawcliffe

If they actually took the day to discuss and bond, understand each other as a team and organization over issues that they may not have normally done it could be pivotal in them starting to gel as a unit.
If it it was day off to appease the SJW group think and was not effectively used to find meaningful ways to make changes that required than its a waste of a day that will become yet another waste of a season. I hope it was the former.

Black Lotus

To New York Jets should be more focused on actually be in a successful organization. Versus putting their political views in an incident They have zero knowledge of.

This is going to hurt alot of hard-core jets fan.

This video is a BAD idea.

Tyler Carlbon

I mean great video and all but like during the last shot couldn’t the camera man Atleast used a tripod or when editing the video he could have stabilized it🤦‍♂️

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