Enough: A Conversation on Social Justice with the LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
king of king

This is what we need

Nikka Jan Obtain


Greg Thornton

Jim was my home town hero growing up. HE LOOKS GREAT!!

Greg Thornton

Priorities, y’all…PRIORITIES !

Ethan Diaz

Another reason why I’m proud to be a Chargers fan. No matter how the season goes, it is so awesome to see the team stand together to fight for rightful social justice. Some things are bigger than football. Keep up the good work guys!

Darbizzle Darbizzle

These players and coaches are just pawns for globalists. Like with Kaepernick, nothing will get done to improve “social justice”, just more empty platitudes. This is just another plan to destroy things that bring people together, like sports.


Defending a rapist and felon. Jacob Blake was resisting arrest after having an arrest warrant put out on him and he tried pushing around police and then proceeded to go back to his vehicle to get what was possibly a weapon. His shooting was justified. I’ve been a Chargers fan my whole life, and I still am, but we’re better than this.

Darbizzle Darbizzle

BLM doesnt care about black lives. If they did, they where is the common sense legislation that these millionaire athletes and so called social justice warriors are supporting? So far all I have heard legislatively is to defund the police which is pure ignorance.

Los Explores

I love the chargers man always have and always will but when has it become normal to back a criminal and act as he is a hero? Cmon chargers.

Daniel Fernandez

Ridiculous- tired of hearing about this garbage every 5 minutes. I’ve never had a problem with the police. Show them respect, get treated fairly.

    Eydie Esgana

    I’m glad you haven’t experienced this. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s happening to others. Please check out the YouTube channel Audit the Audit and maybe it will give you some perspective.

    Daniel Fernandez

    @Eydie Esgana All I can go by is my own, personal experience. All of these police shootings could have been easily avoided. Like I said- treat the cops with respect- no problem.


    Eydie Esgana blah blah 🇺🇸 Cops are the best and our Police 🚔 needs to be respected 💯

    Eydie Esgana

    @Daniel You can go by more than your own experiences, but you choose not to. That’s your choice. I do hope you take a look at the channel I suggested. I found it recently and appreciate the research behind it. It offers an evaluation of both the detainee and police, while discussing laws that govern the stop. It is not a political channel and highlights stops of people of all colors, including stopping white citizens. Take a look.

    Eydie Esgana

    @Disney I agree. Cops should be respected. At the same time, so should citizens and the justice system’s due process. It’s the police’s duty to protect and serve all citizens. Where I live, I think the PD are pretty fantastic. The protest is to bring to light the nationwide issue to people who continue to ignore it.


Sitting out games and practices accomplishes nothing. If you really want change force the police everywhere to wear body cams that are always recording so they can be prosecuted as criminals for police work that is wrong and over use of force in situations that don’t warrant it. That’s how you create change. You have a purpose behind your actions. Sitting out valuable scrimmages and games and talking about change doesn’t accomplish anything. Get the bodycam thing done and bring the police to justice as criminals if it is warranted!

    Mason P

    Sitting games and practices are just making the Chargers worse


The San Diego Chargers were a team that supported our military and law enforcement 💯🇺🇸.
The Los Angeles Chargers giving us the social BS and Dean Spanos a well known Republican such a disgrace 🤦‍♂️🖕.

    Frankie Y

    Lol clearly you’re just white

    Alex M

    @Frankie Y Clearly you’re a minority

A Dawg

Unfortunately this is why I am boycotting all professional sports. They support violence and this ignorant movement, and clearly politically driven agenda. I’m bummed that I can’t watch my chargers or angels. But it is what it is. Professional sports is going down the toilet

    Mason P

    The team I root for the Jaguars have been a factory of sadness. I sometimes feel like switching NFL teams. The No Flag League, NBA and MLB have become multi millionaires whining and saying they are oppressed.While disrespecting the military.

Mason P

If the NFL can stand with the black community, they can stand for the flag 🇺🇸

great friends

Let’s all boycott practice

Andrei Fedyszyn

Been a Chargers’ fan my whole life (over 40 years)… you lost me. Don’t bow to this SJW BS. Be strong. Or I’m never coming back. As will tens of thousands of others.

    Boss Mac

    Kick rocks you are apart of the problem

Andrei Fedyszyn

By the way, Jacob Blake was a criminal. To bow out of a scrimmage on account of that was a damn shame. Sorry Derwin, Justin, et al., I’m done as a fan. Anthony Lynn, worst coach ever. Never watching you/buying merch again.

    Boss Mac

    You anint a real fan anyways

    Eydie Esgana

    Regardless of whether he is a criminal or not does not negate his right to due process in the justice system. If you believe in America, believe also in the justice system to do its job of prosecuting and, if found, convicted. At no time should any citizen be handed down a sentence or deemed guilty unless ruled by a court of law. That is the American system, “innocent until proven guilty.” There was never a need to shoot a man 7 times, SEVEN TIMES, let alone one time in the back at close range.

Adan Sanchez

Let’s Play Football, Let’s Talk Football 🏈💛⚡💙

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