End of Season Press Conference with Saints Head Coach Sean Payton on January 7, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

End of Season Press Conference with Saints Head Coach Sean Payton on January 7, 2020

Saints coach Sean Payton addresses media following the conclusion of the 2019 season at Ochsner Sports Performance Center on Tuesday, Jan. 7.

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Scott Loumoli

Is it wrong for me to say that Brees and the offense choked or was the Vikings d too good??🤷‍♂️

    lance Kelley


    The InvictusSamaritan

    Scott Loumoli both, Brees shouldn’t have fumbled and throw that deep throw to Ginn when he was double covered but the Vikings have had one of the better defenses in the league over Mike Zimmers time there.


    Definitely a choke job. They do that at the most inopportune times.


    @The InvictusSamaritan Payton played good against Zimmer defense in the regular season if he stays committed to the run.

    Goat Cast

    @The InvictusSamaritan drew doesn’t have that arm strength no more we barely throw deep


I’m so sorry Drew did not get his second ring. I’m so sorry the team simply did not show up to play on Sunday. Drew Brees deserved better for the career he has had


    The entire team deserves better Drew Brees should have been pulled in a third quarter

    R. Layne

    @ADRIENNE ROUSSELL RIGHT! I Thought Bridgewater Should Have Been Put In At The Start Of The Second Half.


    @ADRIENNE ROUSSELL I know he made a few big mistakes but the first three quarters he had no help from the front line at all. They were terrible

    CPSlayer 8889

    @R. Layne youre an idiot if u think that.

lance Kelley

Man you need to run the damn ball

    CPSlayer 8889

    @Goat Cast the saints just rebuild dude. They not gonna do that all over again when they just need a few other pieces

    CPSlayer 8889

    @The InvictusSamaritan

    Brees was on pace for 36 Tds and just 6 ints if he had played the full season. Your point?

    Goat Cast

    @CPSlayer 8889 I’m talking about QB


    Run Mury for the love of God!!! They got beat by basic football

    The InvictusSamaritan

    CPSlayer 8889 my point is we all know Brees is a hall of famer, this was Bridgewater’s second year in the system and first full year.


Better keep Taysom Hill … he’s the future, plus he gives new Orleans so many options.

Send Teddy away he’ll make his millions, if Drew doesn’t want a pay cut then move on .


    GUNDAM 13-13 NOLA SAINTS agree 100% Drew better take a pay cut after fallin flat. Saints are nothing but heartbreakers right now.


Fix up that O line and beef up that defense. I hate to see BS teams beating the Saints. Taysom Stays!

    Ivan Gonzalez

    We need a better secondary that was our achiles heel this season. When we had davenport and rankins in the fronnt 7 we were dominating the line of scrimmage


Sean Payton you always choke in the playoffs with yr bad playcalling. The no-call last year would not have been a factor if you ran the damn ball and stop trying to pass it so damn much. Brees is not no damn Mahomes to sling it everywhere. You failed all Saints fans for the last 2 years with yr dumbass playcalling.

You don’t appreciate Murray and wasted his talents this year.

Dom 65

As a super fan, I had no crying about game or no need complain. Most people laugh at Drew, whole Saints players, and Saints fans that them called Big Crying Fans because you get lost that a game. Oh also complains question about end of game that Vikings got away from OPI. I surprise NFL helps with review include discussion of rules and OPi. Honestly I don’t care about OPI or cheat by refs, it because i seen rules is alway changes annual years worse ever it not normal that made you angry at a games (playoffs and champions as well). Heard from folks talk about Drew Brees is not great anymore… My opinion there look at his age is problem because of 40. Don’t blames or fault on him it blames on age depend. Same in situation with Tom Brady’s age and he lost that a game as like Drew Brees. NFL they have younger QB is more useful than old age QB. No matter still loves Drew Brees is such great QB player and legend. Folks wants Drew Brees and Tom Brady should retire right now but why Tom still playing so he have 6 SB rings. Probably he want more than 6 rings might 7 or 8 or more i don’t know what he want it. I believe he should enough with 6 SB rings. So look at Drew want more playing and his want 2 SB more left until immediate retirement plan. I am happy with Drew Brees accept with retire on his age and desire 2 SB more left but I don’t understand about Tom Brady is still continue to more playing and he refuse with retire..?

Hey Saints fans it ignore them folks who called them Big Baby Crying or trashed. Saints fans don’t being head down. Get head up and we do next season would be great! Ignore them folks who disrespect on Saints alway. I seen Saints players is excellent as well honestly.

Sorry long paragraph if don’t need you read it. My english is not perfect sometime. Please due show respect yourself and others folks.

Whodat 4life

Damn Sean damn had Hope lol
In y’all let us down once again

Jason Trosclair

Take a shot everyone you hear the word relative 😆

Kras 4

Sean Payton YOU are responsible for that L with that bs game plan and lack of running the ball. 13-3 record 3 years in a row and no 🏆. Tired of the excuses. These reporters won’t ask the tough questions. Hope he runs into that butcher guy at Whole Foods again and puts him on blast. Anyway, Who Dat !


Draft Justin Jefferson, or have the pathetic receiver core we had this year again.

I mean how the hell does Austin Carr stay on this team for 2 years!!!!!

    Mason Rome

    EveryDay-jay yes, let’s draft a player who still has a few more years of college left

    Life Lessons

    @Mason Rome Justin is a junior.

    Mason Rome

    Life Lessons you can stay as a senior for 2 years

    Derrian Hawthorne

    Mason Rome no you can’t that if your redshirt

Peter Batiste

I don’t believe nothing Sean Payton say,I still love my Saints, just tired of the excuses

Matthew Tillery

12 run plays son

Elton Arceneaux

Bridgewater at QB and Hill opposit side of Thomas

    Antonio Kinsler

    And we won’t be in SB contention with teddy at QB you guys really need to stop your fooling yourselves

Chris Meyer

Gotta start thinking about the QB of the future and get a running back you actually use. Definitely need to keep Janoris Jenkins, major upgrade at CB position.

    Life Lessons

    Saints will not commit to a running game until Drew leaves. Why waste another running backs career in this offense?


Wow, what u do u know another heartbreaking postseason loss. Wonder what’s going to happen next year. 🤔🙄The Saints are nothing but millionaire heartbreakers. Thx Sean for getting them ready to play. U would think they would come out guns blazin ready to go! But no, Flat as hell ready to break hearts.

Jacques Vilar

Does no one want to call out Drew for those 2 turn overs. Those were both on him. He’s been at 85% for 2 years. Time for him to retire and run for Governor, or next year he will really look bad.


Finger should be pointed at this dude!!!! Taysom Hill is the future


Draft a nasty bookend TE, and a hardnose FB that can handle screen options, and a relentless RB, good very big slot receiver and we should be great again.

Michael Villarrubia

At 22 minutes or so on this tape he talks about them knowing it was going to be a low scoring game and knowing that turnovers would be important ……. well did he talk about that before the game with Drew Brees? Drew’s problem is the same as it has always been. In pressure, must win, things aren’t going too well situations, he tries to do too much. He tries to be the hero. There a big sign at the practice field … DO YOUR JOB. Brees needs to read that. Quit trying to do too much. If he does that we don’t have any turnovers and probably win the game.

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