Ejiro Evero on expectations for third preseason game: ‘More physicality, more urgency’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Logan knutson



Hey broncos hope y’all do good this year

Let’s ride 🐴🧡💙

Baby Maker78

Would have been nice to hear the questions

Paul Bedichek

Our owner is worth $70 billion, and we can’t hear the questions, have a little respect for the fans and get a sound engineer and get everyone involved on board, media especially. This issue is an old one, get it together.

    Kj William

    Exactly smh. We’ve been trying to get their attention for almost a year cause of audio issues. They wonder why their fan base doesn’t leave views, comments, likes. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Nathan Kelsey

This interview means nothing because you can’t hear the questions. Get it together

Cbanecks Ban

Finally, he’s been hiding this whole time. At least he admitted the truth the coaching needs to get better. How is Justin sternard still on this team when he hasn’t made a tackle like a middle linebacker.

J Walker

Would be nice to get an intro, so we know the correct pronunciation of his name.

Eric Tuthill

Alright Ejiro, stop that run this week! I know it was rough last week and I look forward to seeing how you address it.

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