Eddie Jackson: ‘We’ve got to continue to fight’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Curt Hasan

Put Eddie at QB



Zz Sammy zZ

As much as I want to blame Eddie for his poor tackling the defense shouldn’t even be on the field for damn near the whole game because we can’t even gain a first down on offense


    He was our best guy and carries this defense most drives of course he’s tired and he tried forcing fumbles. Also he’s FS he should be the last guy there getting the tackle but he’s always the first guy there 🤔

    Noah Gaming

    4, 3 and outs


    we had -2 total yards in the 3rd quarter 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

YouTubesAHelluva Drug

Get more aggressive and learn how to tackle quit talking and tighten up I’ve seen you miss more tackles than any DB on the team it’s ridiculous!


    He was our best guy and carries this defense most drives of course he’s tired and he tried forcing fumbles. Also he’s FS he should be the last guy there getting the tackle but he’s always the first guy there 🤔

    Grick Hendogg

    You’ve played football before? Because clearly he’s a ball hawk type safety and he does make some quality tackles and has missed some so has Mack and Hicks and Fuller c’mon now this team needs to get rid of Nagy

    Ace K

    Eddie all the way down the field half the time and comes down trying to save the day he has missed tackles but it happens his job is to stop the deep ball most of the time

    DaBearsLive96 0

    @ISOGAWD TAY Fuller is substantially more physical than Eddie, not sure what games your watching. Eddie has been solid first 4-5 games, last couple he’s made quite a few mistakes that he doesn’t normally make. Regardless, our defense isn’t really the problem obviously. You can’t score points on this league today, you don’t win games, don’t care how good the defense is.

Emperor Penguin

are some of you really going to blame ANYONE on defense after the offense only had 2 first down in the ENTIRE second half???


Eddie keep carrying this secondary bro you literally have to do everything for this defense

MilkMan Productions

He know this season over..

    Pablo Moreno

    Me too

Christian White

you said that 4 weeks ago.


Keep ur head up he plays with 100% effortlessly every play I’m glad we got Eddie he’s a great safety we need to build around nick and fix that trash o line



Andrew Whitted

Defense played great! Hope we can get something going on offense after the bi


    oh yeah we definitely won’t 😃🔫

Jerm Productions

Defense is Superbowl bound –
Nick Nagy are Arena League Trash!!

Brian Jenkins

This season is over

Yevgenia Baratov

I agree Everyone took their blame. Except #9 he sucks and don’t take responsibility.he may be a nice guy but that won’t win games

the fruit fly

Sorry that the defense has to deal with this offense smh

freddie jackson

straight facts these games we keep losing is Wake up call for the players only not the coaches

Willie Burch jr

Foles is garbage injury was his pride hurt not physically

slayer1 123

cut buster

Ryan Crawley

I think the Eddie Jackson accountable drinking game might be a thing


Eddie please stay with Chicago for your whole career we love you here 🥺

Pablo Moreno

It’s the coaching Ed

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