‘[Drew Lock] has got a little swagger to him’: The best of Peyton Manning at #BroncosCamp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Let’s go! 😎 (Nice outfit Alexis)

Joe Onemanteam

👍 go Denver Broncos 🤘always got love for them they’re cool. 23 hits hard


I love Peyton’s involvement with the broncos ! I just wish he had a bigger part with the team!!!!!!!

    Cisco james

    Absolutely he has so much love for this organization

    Jimmy Boone

    Agree I would love for him to mold lock into a faster version of him

    Jake the Outdoorsman

    QB coach!

    Scott Flipiak

    @Jimmy Boone So True, Lock could & should have a combination of Peyton & Elway (2 of The Top NFL G.o.a.t. QBs) !!!!

Danziel Taylor

If Peyton had that offense he probably drop 100 touch down in a season

    Alan Martinez

    Idk, its not like Decker and DT were bums, DT at his best was a top 5 wr in the league, Sutton hasnt reached that level yet, out some respect on DT’s name lol

    Andy Nannan

    Tho Thomas and decker were great Peyton made decker great and I think Thomas is gonna have a good year but this core on paper seems too good to be true


Two ! ————Two of the very best to ever wear Orange & Blue ! # 18 & # 27 !! ————–I join in saying how proud & grateful I am that # 18 is such a visible presence , And, # 27’s decision to move back to Denver & play such a larger role , is nothing but a + ove for Denver, & the organization. ——MY all-time favorite Bronco, after # 7, will 4-ever be, # 36, Billy Thompson . Of course, I’m partial, because the DB’s have always been my favorite players & through the decades, we’ve had some great ones , including ” The Nigerian Nightmare’s NIGHTMARE ” , OUR # 27, Mr Steve Atwater !———————-WolfSky9, 73 y/o, & a Fan, from the beginning.


Since Peyton was there. Hopefully Lock spoke to him in order to pick his brain apart about the different types of defensive schemes and how to beat them. Peyton might not have won every battle but he was one of the greatest at reading defense pre-snap and of the greatest at fooling them too.

Michael Crabtree

When Peyton gets involved with the quarterbacks…then intensity sets in and the focus improves. The offense gets better and the quarterbacks always step up.

Miles Morales

We need Peyton to be the President
And Elway the GM

Or vise versa
We need our 2 greatest QBs involved daily to get our next greatest QB ready for his legacy run

Yeah i said it lol

    Andy Whitesell

    I think Peyton Manning would make a great offensive coordinator

    Miles Morales

    @Andy Whitesell
    Peyton wants to be a team owner

    That’s why I said President
    If he wanted to coach I think he would be coaching by now

    Ralph Padilla

    Payton should lease the Broncos for 10 years and be their quarterback coach/offensive coordinator. He’d love to be connected with football in a meaningful way. He has a brilliant mind for the game. Just saying…

    Riley Anderson

    @Ralph Padilla I think like the comment above said if 18 wanted to coach he would be coaching already

    Captain Cock-Strong

    Correction, we need Peyton to be “The President….of everything.”



Jerrold Gray

I wish he was our OC!!!

    Riley Anderson

    imo hes gonna be the next gm


Not a broncos fan but they are looking solid this year. I think Fangio and Co turn a corner this year… if there’s a year.

    Captain Cock-Strong

    I think you’re a in the closet Broncos fan.

Kurt Johnson

Steve was a great interviewer; ask the right question and get out of the way. Wish other media folk could learn something from it.

Chef Stanley

Marshall manning! Gonna be just like his dad!


Thank you Peyton!

yulia wati

Really hope lock spends quite some time with peyton..


Broncos media getting good at editing this stuff together, this was more interesting than the live stream imo. Now just let those reporters loosen up a bit, they don’t have to be like the 5pm news prototypes 😋

R.F.K. PeaceNik19

Great to see Payton & Steve in Denver. Colorado is their type of town. STAY.

Kent Borges

PEYTON IS PRICELESS…glad he in touch with the BRONCS.

Clinton Reisig

Man, that was a treat

Jacob Trujillo

Anytime Peyton is in the video, interview or anywhere near the Broncos is a great day.
Wish Broncos would make Peyton a permanent part of the organization.

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