Drew Brees Postgame After Loss to Packers in Week 3 | New Orleans Saints – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Drew Brees Postgame After Loss to Packers in Week 3 | New Orleans Saints

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees postgame interview following a tough loss to the Green Bay Packers in week 3 of the 2020 NFL season.
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Michael Darby

We still going 3-2 before the bye…. I hope



    Natz 0422

    Yes we are 100 percent going 3-2 before the bye and if we don’t the saints season might be done. Let’s think they lose by 7 points to a current SB favorite there is no way they lose to the lions or chargers

Noah Anthony

Imagine coming to a different teams youtube channel to hate 😂 must be living rent free in y’all heads

    Go Pack Go

    I’m just coming to see what Brees had to say.

    Noah Anthony

    @Go Pack Go that’s fine but I’m talking about the dudes coming to hate 😂 they going the extra mile to respond on a comment section none of the players look at

    LambChops l

    I’m also here to see what Brees has to say

    Rishav Ray

    Go Pack Go *hear 😂

    Charlie Rode

    @Rishav Ray I mean it is a video

GundamWingFan 82

He needs the juice 💉 to get that arm resurrected


    I can Throw father than him

    Art Addict

    @NWM UNDEAD yeah right!

Caleb Smith

All yall haters, did yall miss the fact that we had 4 BS calls against our deffence? Anyone saying put winston is has no idea what they are talking about. Its September we always get hot in October and beyond. Its gonna be alright


    Bs? I’m not hating but most of those calls was fair besides one


    The only bad one was the horse collar my guy 😂😂


    We only had one bad call really

    Blade Gaming

    Caleb Smith Facts dude

kevin xiong

Still proud of u drew. No worries bro. Plenty of football to play. We just have to shake this off. On to the next game. SAINTS 4 LIFE

    James Allen



    I think I can throw farther than him and also who am hey Alvin bail me out I’m going to throw 2 yards and your going to get a 40 yard touch down

    charlie barnett

    Next game should be an easy one for them. They’re playing the lions.


if we lose to the freaking lions 😤😤😤

    Treybanz Lee

    Kinda feel bad that he need mike Thomas


    Lmaoo we have to check ourselves after this but we will bounce back!!! #Saints4life

    Billy Times

    @Jon Kozlowski packers are balling coming from saints fan Good luck on your season.

    Jon Kozlowski

    @Billy Times thank you! Been a Packers fan for 20 years strong! And don’t trip, The Saints will bounce back! Good luck to you guys too. Don’t let Brady take the crown of the South from you guys!

    Billy Times

    @Jon Kozlowski Thanks brah


Brees still a goat. Keep it up brother. It’ll start clicking


    In the conversation and saying he’s the Goat are 2 different things and he’s just in the conversation


    His arm wont

    Billy Times

    Hell yea

Lisa Lara

The season just started😤! Drew is gonna get hot and be better😈! Watch and see the Comeback😤🥰!!!



Dennis watt

Im A Packer Fan but i dont like the Drew Brees Disrespect. Put some respect on that man name

    Dennis watt

    @Malcom Summers Malcom in the middle lil boy. Lol Hahahaha…..Get a job troll 😂😂

    Dennis watt

    @Malcom Summers I forget You get paid bottle caps to troll. Go head continue your job bro.

    Malcom Summers

    @Dennis watt You’re really sensitive aren’t you. This ain’t high school my boy, so stop with the cringe fest. Also I was laughing at what you said, because I thought it was funny not because I was trolling.

    Malcom Summers

    @Dennis watt 🤡🤡

    Dennis watt

    @Malcom Summers nope my team won last night so im good 😆😆😆

James Allen

Nobody gives green bay credit….WHAT!

Swem II

So we just gonna sit here and act like the Saints didn’t go 0-2 and finally won against the dolphins then went on a tear with a 8 game winning streak and made the playoffs with a breakout lost against vikings it’s only 2 losses we’ve been through worse this is a team known to comeback from a heartbreak

    nivlac Horn

    You going to act like it wasnt cause of teddy bridgewater that they went on a tear.


    nivlac Horn teddy kinda doo doo I kinda like Winston better he has a stronger arm.

    Chug Master 74

    nivlac Horn he’s talking about the 2017 season not last year


    Chug Master 74 mhm when they lost to Vick’s week 1 and lost pats at home then won till they lost to LA rams in 2017

Harrison Kleinpeter

29/36 288 Yds, 3 TDS, no INTs or fumbles.

Look, Drew isn’t playing like Superman. But the single focused blame on him is giving a pass to everything else that’s going wrong right now.

    Dennis watt

    Im a packers fan and agree bro

    james bond

    @Dennis watt I’m a bucs fan… and I fricken love aaron rodgers!!! Not gonna lie.. i can’t wait for him to hit 40, so he can sign with the buccaneers! Buddy been ridiculous this year. Pack gonna smash the Saints in the wild card round. Because… well.. they playing the saints in the playoffs……. A rod will throw 18 pick 6s, but the saints will still lose. But that nfc championship between bucs and packers, that gonna be a game!!


    D Linny I think the farthest throw drew passed was like a 30-40 yard pass to sanders on the final drive.

    Chef E

    Kamara carried tf outta his stats wym?

    My Mom

    @Dennis watt same. Pointed that fact out well


When the Saints start to become underdogs is when they start to dominate, I’m fine with a loss

    J Elle Cole

    Me too! I really don’t feel bad about this loss. They didn’t look terrible last night like in Las Vegas.



stéphane A

His arm was strong enough to lift that bottle!

Chad Robbins

If the coverage is playing back,defensive. Coor. are still scared of his arm, I would like to see some 50/50 balls and back shoulder throws. That was a hard fought game.

Zaida Suluki

Y’all got to realize the season just started. There so many other games that are winnable. It’s not the end of the world. We can bounce back just like the last seasons. ⚜️

    Knola Kay- New Orleans Saints

    It always happens just watch and wait I made a new yt video of my reaction of the Packers game if you wanna check it out


Everyone:Drew throw deep pls

Drew: No I don’t think I will.


the elephant in the room is arm strength. nobody saying he cant still think the game.

    Mr Man

    No balls either

J Elle Cole

I’m so sick of everyone talking about this man’s arm strength. Drew has NEVER EVER been a guy to throw the ball 50 yards down the field. He’s accurate that’s why he has the accolades. He knows how to dissect defenses. His football IQ is what makes him special. Stop this arm strength foolishnesses! Drew’s problem is he only trust MT or AK he needs to learn to adapt to Cook, Sanders, Smith and Harris.

Breemo W

I feel the problem is more than physcial,think about it!

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