Doug Pederson “We’re All Frustrated” | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nate Fitzgerald

I’m getting bored of hearing the same excuses over and over again. Just bench Wentz, see if he learns anything

    Killer Corvette

    is he gonna learn how to drop snaps and run right into the defense cuse thats all hurts does


    Shut up


    Not the same situation. Carson needs a practice off-season. Hurts is another Randall Cunningham and I don’t wanna go through that again.

    dj barryb

    @44excalibur I would love to go through that again considering Wentz is ten times worst.


    @dj barryb No, you wouldn’t. Randall was a bust and he never had a year like Carson had in 2017, and I know that Carson can get back to being that guy again. I’d just rather he do it here instead of with the Colts, where Frank Reich would love to have him.

Karl Ray

Why don’t you just go get a offensive coordinator bro!!!


    that wont help anything if the players cant EXECUTE the plays called.

    Alf DarkDeadly

    Yeh Carson is being a ginger pube

    DeAndre Solomon

    @layzer80 how can execute pass plays when the opposing defense sit in zones all game because Doug refuse to run lol Miles averages 6 yards a carry…GIVE HIM THE DAMN BALL! Until teams load the box and watch everything open up on offense. 2017 we were the best rushing attack in the NFL. He need to give the play calling up! He don’t play to Carson strengths

    DeAndre Solomon

    Doug you said something about Quez but last time I heard he was healthy. Just activate him. No reason to keep 3 TEs on the active roster. You was in a rythmn but we only scored 17 and you refused to give Miles more 20 rushes. You obvious lying

Sam Carrillo

Rythmn? What is he talking about…

PhillyMcGilly 98

Let’s not kid ourselves guys…we just kept the wrong coach…*Cough Frank Reich Cough*

    Vlad Fifty-Two

    @Nick Bradford Sr. Don’t be an idiot

    Jay Deez

    @Nick Bradford Sr. Definitely not! Why idiots act like Foles is lighting it up 😂

    Alf DarkDeadly

    Has indy done anything.

Roland Maurice

I love Wentz but time to bench the man and maybe he’ll fight for his job. And time for an OC…. no more excuses. Ridiculous that he still thinks there is a chance. Has he not looked at the schedule. If we can’t beat the Giants, we won’t win the next 5 games. Happy you brought us a SB in 2017 but team has been getting worse as time goes on. “He feels good about the play calling” Did you watch the same game we did? Team needs a dramatic overhaul….


worst coach in football

Joseph OnlineWorldMgmt

Doug and the whole team been Booty but not the good kind like the BootyLoversWorld website lol


Why is it that every Sunday when I’m watching games I see big plays from young quarterbacks. I see young receivers make huge catches for their teams. What is so different in Philadelphia??

    Melijah Earl

    We just look unprepared all around. The only group that atleast looks like professional athletes is the runningback group.


    @Melijah Earl haha and we all see that. And Doug still didn’t give Miles and Boston the ball enough

Killer Corvette

after that answer at 3:15 this dude must need glasses

Jay Deez

The fact he thinks he’s calling good games 🤦🏼‍♂️


    if the players would actually EXECUTE the calls, maybe we could be more successful


    How dare you criticize doug, have you played quarterback in the NFL? /s

    Kenzo Rome

    He admitted his playcalling is a problem on wip this morning

Theodore Nicklas

When Frank Reich isn’t there to bail you out….you get Dougie P.o.s.🤣😂🤣😂


Its looking more and more like Frank Reich was the brains of the operation in 2017. Dougs play calling and decision making is atrocious.

Greg Collins

Bad coaching by both and bad Qb play. Every week

Michael Lopez

Lol the go for two pretty much all the time talking about pat kicks smh

luis cintron



and if carson would just STOP overthrowing his targets, these games may have different outcomes

    The ultimate Blob


Marcus Cain

I think it’s about time for you to get an offensive coordinator


posted this on joeyshakes72 channel:

the offense needs to go back to a traditional FB style. IMO the Eagles will always be known as a ‘finesse’ team if they cant figure out what to do here; it would be a good idea to either focus on the players continuing to step up in all phases including special teams or realize there is a need to improve the play calling on offense, if they are forcing plays that’s not a good sign you supposed to take what the defense gives. hopefully Doug reads this, read the comments Doug! LOL

Kynief Dixon

This guy is delusional 🙄. He double downs like his life depends on it. Did he really say he feels good about his play calling? Did he say he was in rhythm? 🤦🏿‍♂️


lol, i do like when Doug is pissy. Does crack me up a bit

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