Doug Pederson: Starting Guards will be Determined in Practice this Week | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Time to refocus,
Play with heart
& fly like an EAGLE

    David Smith

    They will never win with Wentz stop delaying the inevitable

    Sangy Wangy

    @David Smith stfu

Maharaja Ramzan

Injury #3 to the O-line our football team just can’t stay healthy…Hopefully we can run the ball as well as we did last week

David Smith

In 5 seasons Carson Wentz has 0 playoff wins 50 fumbles. He is 7-20 vs teams over 500. He has no heart no desire to win. His teammates hate him. He has started 5-6 in 3 of his first 4 seasons. He has the IQ of a potato. Eagles are 24-6 in their last 30 games with Foles.


    David Smith you have the IQ of a potato lol


    I think Carson’s issue is he is resistant to fixing his mechanics. His footwork and arm delivery are terrible. He grew up idolizing Favre and Favre’s mechanics were often terrible, but Favre still was able to complete passes with bad mechanics. Carson isn’t completing those passes and most QBs won’t with bad mechanics. Favre’s arm delivery/slot were pretty good though, except when he did some ad-libbing with sidearm throws. Carson needs to be willing to take that coaching and right now he should be going to Press Taylor and tell him “to rip into me when my footwork is bad”. Also, I wonder if he has been more distracted since he got married. He got married right after the Super Bowl and now he has a child. So, now he might not be putting in the studying time that he was putting in prior to being married. I’m not sure if his level of commitment to the team is the same that it was. Maybe/maybe not. Some guys can handle that and still not have it impact him and other guys start wanting to be a family guy and don’t balance out both lives very well.

    Different Angles

    @ David Smith- I’m with Wilson on this one. Potatoes have great adaptability traits that allow it to grow in a multitude of climates. Carson Wentz has no adaptability lol

    Ryan DeFrees

    @Tortieville Yooo honestly… That a VERY accurate assessment of Wentz. Especially your 2nd point… Do you remember the video they released before the season started, where Wentz was talking to Doug about cutting out of practice early so he can go home and eat his steak ? Obviously that is not the primary reason that he is sucking right now, but it is a small example to the bigger problem that you stated of him not fully focusing on the game and his mentality being split between family man, and quarterback.

    Mugiwara Devin

    These are stats I agree they look bad however you saying Nick Foles would be any better is an assumption Nick Foles is trash in the regular Season i believe Carson can turn this slump of his around based on what i saw during that first half we look liked peyton Manning and the colts out there during the redskins game

David Smith

Foles would have won Super Bowl last year and be 2-0 this year

    Dr Pavel, Im CIA.

    Foles would’ve won vs Washington then throw for 4 interceptions, and get benched for Suds

    King Branch

    Lol you’re stupid asf 🤣🤣


Herbig and Pryor should start. Pryor played really well after Seumalo went down. I’m not sure why they have him in the doghouse. It seems like there are too many politics happening, instead of just playing the best guys. Doug has looked visibly upset in the past few conferences. He is practically tearing up. I’m not mocking him. I’m seeing it. I’m wondering if he is getting burned out. Plus, it doesn’t help when Howie isn’t adequately refreshing the roster through the draft.

    Mike D

    Eagles always make bad decisions.

    Ryan DeFrees

    He definitely is getting stressed out for sure. Like you said… You wonder how much control he really has… Seems like there is a lot of cooks in the kitchen right now and everything is soo all over the place. There is no focus/unity on this roster this year, thats for damn sure.

Christina Zimmerman

13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Mike D

Doug needs to humble himself and get an offensive coordinator. His lack of organization is irresponsible and reckless. We don’t need a Chip Kelly, we need a 2017 Doug Peterson.

    David Smith

    Doug is 12-2 when Wentz isn’t qb doenst matter if Bill belichik or Andy Reid is the offensive corridinator they will never win with Wentz

    Ryan DeFrees

    Shows you how important Frank Reich was, doesn’t it ?

    Mike D

    David Smith best QB play I’ve ever seen in my lifetime as an eagles fan, and I’m 45 years old is 2017 Wentz. He was first in MVP voting, then that Rams game at the end of the season. He hasn’t been the same since. He was incredible that season.

Sylvester Wilson

This interview was extremely insightful.. We’re putting it together on the fly. I’m not against it. We just gotta be better 💯 💯💯


He better play the Rush that’s our best team Rush to Pass. Be the Good Coach here.

jerry cruz

Ah Doug being a pissy woman of course I guess he didn’t realize he was a back up and the reason why because all he threw were layups

Dillon Webb

Eagles win Sunday


So what he is saying is Carson and Taylor are calling the plays for him. 🤔🤔🤔🤭

Sangy Wangy

We win and Dallas and Washington lose. We’re tied for first. It’s 2 GAMES. There’s a lot of football left. They’ve counted us out before and we bounced back. Let’s just get back on the right track and go 1-0 this week. Then take it one game at a time.

Ryan DeFrees

I started dying laughing at 9:47 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

DeAndre Solomon

Doug I want to see 12 personnel in the red zone it will be effective.

Kobe Bryant Jr24

I just want driscoll at RG with lane at RT, that would be perfect

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