Doug Pederson Discusses the Offensive Struggles & More | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Trash af team


Why don’t you run the ball? If are o line is so depleted why didn’t you call up Howard to help with pass protection?

Jerald Natelli

Pack your bags Doug its over for you and Swartz. Your plan isn’t a plan at all

    Jerald Natelli

    I hate this team thats is as bad as a poorly coached high school team or maybe the baby leage. They sure have enough baby’s on whatever you want to call the worst team in the NFL. I doubt if I watch them any longer until they get resolved. That will take years.seems nearly every position needs to be filled. Jeffery just sell this team and give up you let Howie and Doug and Swartz ruin your team.

    Romans 10:9-10

    Schwartz should definitely be gone

    Tom Schumacher

    And howie

Jonathan Ketels

Is this his last press conference of an eagle??

    Barbara Kelsey

    I hope so

    Blaine Rose

    Not even close. He’s got rest of year no doubt.


    If he’s gonna get fired, it would be after the season is done. Atleast that’s my prediction.

Vignesh S

He might get fired after the Packers game especially if its a blowout

    Luis Rivera

    I doubt it. They’ll finish the season as is, but the offseason is a different story.

Michael johnson

This dude is a joke

    Romans 10:9-10

    He’s trying to put lipstick on a pig

Lucas Santiago Lima

Doug’s problem is the same as that all new coaches in the league: they are damaging the young QBs. They all want to show that they are aggressive and creative and forget to do the basics. What happened to the ground and pound? Two, three good RBs taking turns and a good fullback. As much as I like RPOs, there is nothing like under center formation and good play-action. What happened to the west coast offense? You need to create from the basics. The wheel was invented a long time ago. The entire success of Bill Belichick’s Patriots was based on ground and pound, short passes and screen pass.
This is important because football is the sport that is most influenced by coaches. They need to stop wanting to appear more than the players and trust they will do their jobs.

Wale A.

It’s clear to see Doug has no confidence in Carson, sad.

Ethan Pena

Doug shouldn’t have had them go for 4th they should’ve just went for field goal

    Romans 10:9-10


    Ethan Pena

    @Romans 10:9-10 that’s what costed us the game cause we held off defense so in reality I don’t rly blame wentz I do blame Doug and our offensive line

    Darin Woods


    King Branch

    I knew we wouldn’t convert. I was yelling to take the field goal with 11 mins left down 11…… Wentz is playing like he’s trying to get Doug fired

Barbara Kelsey

We’re the laughing stock of the NFL thanks Doug ,Howie and Carson

    Steven Bailon

    How is it Carsons fault ?
    Let me see you do better with no pass pro
    Nd ur wrs getting no separation
    Dont forget shitty decision making lol nd play calling

    Alf DarkDeadly

    The first 3 passes of the game they were all open and he missed them all ?
    108 million guaranteed. Explain ?

    Compassionate Living

    @Steven Bailon if you think Carson is playing well you are in denial. But obviously it’s not all on him. The entire team is a joke right now.

Romans 10:9-10

Stop with the excuses

Husa Berg

Covid fried doug’s brain. If carson were a pastry he would be a ginger turnover

greg lambert

I hope he tells the truth to someone in this organization I just can’t get a read on this guy


It really feels like he doesn’t want to coach this team anymore, its all words no action with this coach 2017 was a special year, we got a ring thanks to all the birds who had their part but this is a results driven business in pro sports, clocks ticking.


He’s done and defeated

PhillyMcGilly 98

That trophy does not belong in your house…You should apologize to Frank Reich for STEALING that championship..


The head coach shouldn’t be OC it doesn’t work

J Sleep

Why did Travis Fulgham have 2 targets? …. Why?

Donald Williams

Carson is at fault, sure. He played with practice squad receivers last season and broke the Eagles passing yards record in a season, the first to go for 4000. Everyone says he regressed every year since the sb, I guess no one takes into account how many passes Agholor dropped alone, and how many game winners literally were in his bread basket. What about that business decision he made against the Cowboys? Our QB doesn’t make business decisions, he plays his heart out even if there’s nothing to be had and he has to improvise. WE CALL THE SAME PLAYS EVERY GAME! It can work at times but that will not lead to winning football as evidenced. That Jalen Hurts play hurts us more than it helps and the screens have been getting blown up ALL SEASON! These sit down routes are not helping us! Draw up a deep double move or something, he keeps running streaks with Reagor, that’s so predictable! Teams know he can beat them that way and defend it! Defense too, literally every team runs the same routes on us and it works every time, they haven’t adjusted the calls. We have the guys, not the coaches. Never forget Schwartz let Gerry cover Claypool. Never forget that Claypool knew that a double move would get him open. Smart plays in smart situations, the Eagles are the perfect team to run double moves! Fake one of those stupid sit down routes and get our guys up field!

Danny Diamonds

I’m not even gonna watch, and I know what he’s gonna say. Tell me if I’m right

1. I gotta do better
2. We gotta do better
3. I don’t know what I’m doing

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