Doug Kramer Highlights | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

2nd string Center? to back up Patrick?

Amahd cole

We got a center yes


    He wasn’t my first pick, but I can see him playing. We need to cut some players.

nathan prado

Patrick may move to gaurd

    J Sanders

    Nope, this guy is depth. Bears drafted 2 tackles a center and a Guard.


    Cody Whitehair back to guard


Make some room no need for the “old” let’s see what the “new” can do.

Calm Down

Kramer has some of the same characteristics of formers Jets center Nick Mangold. I am not saying Kramer is Mangold but he has some of Mangolds characteristics. I want to wish all of these young men that were drafted by the Chicago Bears a big welcome to Chicago. I am giving the new Bear’s GM Poles and all of the coaching staff and scouts a grade of A- . You guys did very good job in the 2022 draft. Cheers! This is your first time being in charge of a draft and it is a HOME RUN! Lets do this every year and bring the super bowl trophy home to Chicago. Bear Down! Hale To The Mighty Bears.

    Swanky 32

    I went to high school with Doug and played some basketball with him. He originally committed to FAU and then decided to walk on at Illinois. He worked so hard I’m so happy for him! Bear Down Doug!

    Mustafa Siddiqui

    Well said!

    Tugg Speadman

    I was in prison with his dad we use to call him Jenny. Good kid though


Kramer = RG, and the 2nd string Center. Or maybe Lucas Patrick kicks over to RG and Kramer starts at Center. This pick gives the interior O Line lots of flexibility.

Swanky 32

So proud of you Doug! You did it!

Carlos Ramos

I’d describe this dude as sticky. He gets on the defender and sticks like Velcro


Cody Whitewhair needs to go to guard. This Doug guy will start in year #2

Chris Brindle

Looks like Illinois liked to run behind him a lot. Definite potential here. Another great find.

AGM Productions- RBLX


Harley Cazinha

From Illinois to Chicago
Same state different city


I am not sure about this pick from the highlights. It seems like he’s aggressive but lacks finesse and footwork. I guess they can teach the finesse and footwork in Chicago, but we will see.

Wakanda 4eva

Don’t know if he’ll start but he’s definitely better than mustifer.


Welcome home Doug! As a diehard Bears fan, and you being one as well, I hope to see great things for you my man, you know the expectations are high, we need that protection for Fields, bring it home baby!

Todor Mitrović

For now he has a Hall of Fame name. Let’s see if we found that kind of diamond..

Alex H

Local boy love it! Want to him to succeed!

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