Donovan Peoples-Jones on Browns Live: Meet The Rookies | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Harry LaFountaine

This kid is awesome

Die hard Cleveland Cavaliers fan

Go browns

A *Wal

Browns are goin down BIG this year!! WHO DEY!!🐯💪💯


    Lol nah man we coming at you with a coach this year!!!

    Nath Roug

    2-14 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    Austin Miller

    We will see it’s going to be an epic battle this year Baker Mayfield vs Joe burrow did the Bengals already get rid of Andy Dalton I like the Bengals and the Browns Both but the Browns are my favorite team

    Austin Miller

    @Nath Roug no offense I think the Browns will have a much better shot at making the playoffs than the Bengals will if they can put everything together and limit the penalties and turnovers

Austin Miller

Donovan peoples-jones is awesome I can’t wait to see him play I have the Browns going 11-5 this year if they can put everything together and limit the penalties and turnovers and our offense and defense can step up in a big way

Zain Brown

The Browns are going to beat the Bengals

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