Donald Penn Still Has the Urge To Play Football, Reacts to the Raiders’ Offseason Moves | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Donald Penn Still Has the Urge To Play Football, Reacts to the Raiders’ Offseason Moves | NFL's Eddie Paskal is joined by former tackle Donald Penn to discuss the Raiders' offseason moves, Allegiant Stadium's atmosphere, the urge to play football again and more.

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yo booty stank

Get Janikowski on a episode

    B M

    For real!, wish he got a ring. ✌️🇺🇲



    Maybe Michael Guerrero

    Hes probably knocking down a 12 pack with Shane


    @Maybe Michael Guerrero Yeah he is!!!🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🍺🍻

    Gains for Me



He’s a Beast once a Raider always a RAIDER

    B M

    “Once a Raider, always a Raider” – Antonio Brown ✌️🇺🇲

    Sd Ve

    @B M Naw bruh he a clown

    B M

    @Sd Ve Just like JaMarcus Russell, but he was still a Raider homie. ✌️🇺🇲

Kenneth Speaks

Pass on that knowledge to the younger generation,big man

Kalau Seguancia

Love that he came back on a one day contract so he can retire a Raider

    Davi Alcantara

    One of us

    Corey Torres

    That is what Mark Davis wanted is for him to retire as a raider

Rick T.

D Penn!!! My guy! Great seeing this…


DP could 100% replace Parker at RT…man that would be cool.

    Larry Bird

    We used to have dominant lines and no defense now it’s the opposite

    Cesar Canete

    @Larry Bird Omgshh!! Larry Bird is a Raiders fan?! No freakin way???!!! Thee most skilled basketball player ever is a fan of my team?! I absolutely love it!! Lol

    sam tanka

    I wouldn’t rush to that judgment just yet. He did play RT and got destroyed because he wasn’t used to the right side. I will say he had the quickest feet and hand placement was on point. Maybe if he worked on it he would’ve been solid on right side

Holy Diver71

He was a beast on the line. As reliable as the sun rising in the morning. Class act as well. We need more Donald Penn’s in this league.


    He stopped blocking for carr

    Oakland Raider Alumni

    He hates Carr

Matt Flores

DP has always been one of my favorites.

    Jeremy Williams

    That’s what she said.

Steve Arnold

Where’s the petition to sign for Penn to come back? I’m in! The man is a DOG and will strengthen our line like he did in the past! We need this man, he’s a glue player that makes everyone around him better. Let’s go PENN!!!


    @J Lee I know right? I should know better. Thanks J

    Vegas Raiders Pete F

    He struggled at right tackle plus hes too old


    @Vegas Raiders Pete F Blah blah blah.

    Golden King

    You must be joking! 🤡

    Golden King

    @Vegas Raiders Pete F Facts!


I wish this man was 10 years younger, because Donald Penn was a HELL of a player!!

Ruben Perez

It would be cool to see him work with our current squad.

Darrell Canady

I LOVE me some Donald Penn! What a team player!

J Cory

I love Penn!! True Raider ☠️


I LOVE Donald Penn. He is such an amazing player…and he is such and amazing person. I was sad when he was gone. I would love to see him again in Silver and Black.



Autumn Wind

Donald is one of the realest Raiders bro, wish we could have won some more games for that man.

Spartacus Rex

If he can still move with a step or two…. sign the man!

Ralston Arthur

Penn needs to be our right tackle this year.

Herman Yip

Players like Donald Penn make me love being a Raider fan. I was blown away when he decided to retire as a Raider after spending most of his career with the Bucs. Really speaks to the love these players have for the organization.

Nick Kemper

So much hype in the video! I would love him playing for us again and it seems like he would too. It’s doubtful but if they call him he’s saying he will say yes🤞

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