DJ Moore getting warmed up – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Seth Walker

Get atter it today


Lets get it DJ!!!



    Rodney Covington

    Go Where ?

Timothy Clausen

Let’s get a dub

    Rodney Covington

    Let them get a dub

FNO Magee


    Motivated Bullies

    Agreed highly underrated

    Jerry Roush

    Lmao hahahah 🤣 yeah if u think so mannnnn it was a different ball game when he has defenders all on him lmao 🤣 odell puts on a great pre game shorts no pads show as well lmao 😂

Jamie Johnson

Who dey nation my Bengals going back this year

    Rodney Covington

    Their not your bengals sir it’s the owners and office and players. Lol

    Jamie Johnson

    @Rodney Covington I guess but I call them that so I stick by what I said MY BENGALS ONLY NOT GETTING THE MONEY FROM IT LOL

    Dennis Wilkerson

    @Jamie Johnson Bengals choked… again. You guys definitely aren’t going back to back to the Super Bowl. Sit down!


    @Dennis Wilkerson down so bad had to brag on a Carolina post lol

    Vernon Quinn Jr.

    @Dennis Wilkerson SECURITY!!!!!!!! PLEASE SHOW HIM THE EXIT…

nicholas justus

Damn near grabbed a pack of pretzels off an airplane

    Matt White

    This will be the most underrated comment here.


Okay D.J I see you

Eli Friday

Gonna do great today keep pounding

Kim Siever

Hope you get one of those on Sunday, DJ!

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