Devonta Freeman: Throw This One in the Trash Can | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dilan Rg



Only one that was consistent today was Devonta💯

    I sk

    Devonta is playing lights out

    Darren Torain

    @chico lee Phillips did not he got manhandled

    chico lee

    @Darren Torain Phillips is the second best lineman left after bozeman but i want tyree as the left tackle as villanueva is garbage truck juice

    Darren Torain

    @chico lee Zeitler is better

    chico lee

    @Darren Torain at reading stunts sure certainly not run blocking

Charles Conner

The only Raven I’m not pissed at


I’m starting to really like Free. Professional even with Watt yelling in his face. I want him back next year.

    Andre Myers

    Me as well 💯

    Doe Lo


    Devin Taylor

    Want him back to do what?? lol

Klard Farkus

Maybe next year the Ravens can get their act together. Having a run defense and a QB is not enough. That is all the y have. No passing, no pass defense, no offensive line, no running backs. With out Lamar this team is down there with the lions.

Klard Farkus

Often times the entire ravens offensive lion is in a dog pile on top of each other blocking no one. How can you run an offense like that? Management is making terrible personnel decisions.


Throw this TEAM in the trash can. Two more season-ending injuries AND a loss. Fans deserve better.

    Gracie Kerr

    We lost one game. Chill

    Jaylen Tatum

    @Gracie Kerr More to come.

    Top Notch Bullies

    Bruh chill out. “Fans deserve better” lmao we been winning for years

    Jaylen Tatum

    @Top Notch Bullies We don’t care about regular season wins lmao we want championships

    Top Notch Bullies

    @Jaylen Tatum I agree but the way this seasons been going I’m surprised where we’re at

Lang Dunbar III

Consistent football player. Keep him on this team. Trade Marlon Humphrey, fire Greg Roman and Wink Martindale, don’t resign Brandon Williams and Calais Campbell. Draft Coby Bryant, cornerback from Cincinnati Bearcats and two staunch offensive tackles.

Kortnie Johnson

All GAS NO. BRAKES V8!!!!!!.🌪🌪🌪


    you know it

Garcia Home

Can’t fault Harbaugh at the end. He went for the win and it did not happen. Right guard should have blocked T.J. Watts. T.J hurried Lamar’s throw and he missed Andrews. T.J. won the game for the Steelers.

Garcia Home

Devon’s has hustle and punch. If Dobbins returns and with Devonte, Ravens can be consistent at that RB position. (Why does Ricard keep missing blocks at passing plays?)

Moose and Squirrel

He had a good game…….

Norman Jones

I like John hardball he’s a good coach and I’ll stay as far as a great Hall of Famer coach but he lost that game for the ravens

    Ryan Craig

    If we didn’t get the ball first we have no starting cornerbacks we woulda got marched down the field easy

Threes Willis

Lamar has to hit the hot receivers. Seven sacks is unacceptable!!!

Jeremie Gilbert

Love freeman and the energy he brings our offense, and im beyond glad he restarted his career here with us, but i sadly dont see him coming back next year with jk and gus… i cant wait to watch him tear it up no matter where he goes though!!!

Raven Ron

Best back we got, Use him more in the screen game. He definitely getting a contract somewhere next year.

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