Detroit Lions vs. New Orleans Saints | 2020 Week 4 Matt Patricia postgame press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Surprised comments aren’t disabled already 😬 a lot of #firemattpatricia comments gonna be coming in


I just want to know what do the pencil do? I understand and use to the rest…

    Hostile Tentacle Monster

    < I think its like a pacifier or a blankie. Calms him or something.


remember when we had cadwell and we won more games, 9-7 seems alot better now, cadwell atleast brought us to the playoffs even if we didnt go far p.s this was supposed to be the guy to make us go further, and now look, he drove this team to the ground, what a mess

    Commander Shepard

    Caldwell was not good in game. He was much better with the players in the locker room tho. He got everyone to play for him. But he wasn’t the coach that was gonna win a playoff game. That doesn’t mean Patricia was/is either. He’s just flat out bad. But both can be true.

    Hostile Tentacle Monster

    Yeah that whole ‘9-7 isnt good enough’ didnt age too well, did it.

    Hunter Fritts

    Hostile Tentacle Monster I mean it’s not good enough. Moving on from Caldwell was correct. They just made a terrible hire. Quinn shouldn’t have been around to make that call. He got a free pass by keeping them firing Caldwell 2 years later.

    Hostile Tentacle Monster

    @Hunter Fritts Yeah Im not a fan of Caldwell at all and dont begrudge them moving on. Thing is though, I dont know ONE person other than the GM and owner that thought ‘Matt Patricia’ was a good replacement. Of course, unfortunately they are the only voices that matter lol.


The game was up…14, then…down, down, down. WTH?!

    electriccub shocker

    You forgot 2 more downs.🤣🤣

    CJ M

    Nothing to be surprised about


Thank you to the Lions journalists that were asking the tough questions. As for Patricia, he danced around them all by saying the same thing over and over like a politician. So much for the great defensive mind of Matt Patricia lol give me a break. The saints toyed with us like it was Varsity vs JV

    electriccub shocker

    SAINTS had 7 starters injured and not playing and some got hurt today. They killed lions like kids, then they took their foot off the gas and let lions back in the game. SMH.

Lionspride 99

Annnnndd he’s fired

    Don Corleone

    Doubt it this is the lions org were talking about. They cant get enough of Matt “Defensive Guru” Patricia. We all know what that pencil is used for


Bye bye Patricia! Can’t say I’m all that sad about it. I’d be happy to help you pack.

Donald Johnson

2:20 he’s a joke we were 9-7 lmaoooo

Found Scott

Im sick of this guy. Let him go back to New England. Time to move on to a more aggressive regime, including the GM.

    Darrell Mitchell

    You had that in Jm Schwartz but y’all said he was too hot headed on the sidelines…. the problem is Lions never let the coach finish his contract. Coaches for Lions get 3-4 years and get fired. That’s not enough time to build a consistent winner in NFL.. When you fire your coach to early you set the next coach back at least 3 years… cause the new coach has to get rid of the last coaching staff players to replace with his on type of players… Patricia is in year 3 this is the first year he has all his own players.. it took 3 years to replace the Schwartz-Caldwell players and now Patricia pose to be on a hot seat. Caldwell never had all his players for his style of play he had to work with mostly players Schwartz type players. Caldwell got fired too soon because they hired a new GM in Quinn. When new GMs come in those guys want to go down with a coach they picked. This is why Quinn never got Caldwell all his type of players he new he wasn’t gonna keep him around.. Schwartz too over a 0-16 Lions team after Matt Millen era and Schwartz needed more time too. After the Matt Millen era the next coach would’ve needed at least 10 seasons to turn that team around but he was fired too early too… repeating the same thing ova and ova expecting a different outcome is insanity.. LIONS CANT BUILD CHEMISTRY CONSISTENCY AND CONTINUITY IF THEY KEEP FIRING COACHES EVERY FEW YEARS.. The next coach will need his own players too. it’s gonna take 3 years to replace the Patricia guys but by that time the new coach would be on the hot seat too and fired right when coach finally got all the peace’s needed he’s gone.. THE TEAM AVERAGE AGE IS 26 they’re a young team Stafford is the only player left from Schwartz-Caldwell days.. LIONS ARE IN REBUILDING MODE NOT COMPETING FOR PLAYOFFS AND CHAMPIONSHIPS MODE RELAX


    Darrell Mitchell yeah but with schwartz and caldwell theyre were flashes of hope. Good games. There hasnt have been with Fatty P around. The scheme sucks not the players. One of the Lowest rushing the passer. The draft picks have sucked. Tavai wasnt a 2nd rounder. Teez wasnt a 2nd rounder. Davis wasnt a 1st rounder

    Darrell Mitchell

    Sprii this is a complete rebuild the team average age is 26… tell me when was the last time a young team won in the NFL???Warren Sapp John Lynch Derrick Brooks and Tony Dungee went through the Losing thing with those Tampa Bay teams that eventually won it.. They’re trying to build a consistent team that way you don’t have to hope.. Hope only gets you so far you can’t hang your hat on hope because you can lose hope… I just think coaching change isn’t the answer at this point in Lions history.. who’s your next coach???? Do any top up and coming head coaches want to come to Detroit????????? Because top coaching candidates have past on Lions in past.. We only got Patricia because Quinn is here, and remember Patricia was at the top of every team head coaching list that needed one. Because Stafford clock is ticking and fans wanna see him win fans get mad at coaching. Other then Stafford the team is young average age is 26.. Another coach means we start over again I’m SICK OF THAT. we need to establish a style of play with this coach and his young team let them grow together let them cook..

    Darrell Mitchell

    Sprii And you need to stop taking up for these players…. Swift dropped game winner Prater missed FGs Stafford throwin pick 6 and picks in the end zone. Players losing their one on one battles CBs Losing one on one battles with RBs in coverage. These Loses is clearly on the players STOP IT.. Patricia can’t catch game winner for Swift or make Stafford not to throw a late ball in middle field getting a int instead of taking check down Chicago game. He can’t beat one on one blocks for our Defense line. THIS IS THE NFL IF A PLAYER CAN NOT WIN HIS INDIVIDUAL BATTLES ON THE FEILD IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOUR COACH IS THIS IS A PLAYERS LEAGUE

Chad A. Haag Peak Oil Philosophy

But wait I thought hiring New England assistants magically guaranteed you’d go to the Superb Owl within one year!


    If we were hitting the wildcard with Caldwell twice in his three years. No excuse to not at least go positive in his three years

    Dakota Clark

    Superb owl 🦉

    Dakota Clark

    But I do agree with u tho

Johnny Apple Seed

Same old Swiss Cheese Lions……50 years of thinking the game is played in the backfields.

Ney dos Santos

A lot of work to do? Dude won 10 games in 3 years!!! He is funny, I’ll give him that!!! He can’t do the job because clearly he doesn’t know how to perform better. Simple!

    Matt Fatricia

    How dare you, sir! I have one of the biggest calls in Super Bowl history, and you have questionable posture… go take a lap.

Hostile Tentacle Monster

This staff and GM have not improved this team from a personnel standpoint one BIT. In fact, they’ve gotten decidedly WORSE in that regard since they took over. A TE at #8 and a CB at #3 (who hardly sees the field unless someone gets hurt) the last 2 drafts?! Did anyone think a TE was a good choice considering their needs? Sign a TE in free agency if you want one ffs and draft a long term bulwark on the OL/DL. Also, not even considering trading Stafford while he still has SOME value left?! And imho from a coaching standpoint they have been poor in most instances and in others mediocre at BEST. Hell, Patricia was brought IN for his defense and he continually allows his staff to make calls that only exacerbates their personnel weaknesses…especially while clinging to a lead in the 4th quarter.

    Hunter Fritts

    Yep it’s all been brutal. Drafting is the worst though. You think round 1 is bad. Look at round 2. 80% of their round 2 picks are not nfl players.

    Hostile Tentacle Monster

    @Hunter Fritts Im a browns fan. Im right there with you and I feel your pain, man.

Bob Quinn's Kid

My teacher told me Matt Patrica blows!

Jak Phrost

This Coach is a Joke smh

Austin Smith

I would of fired Patricia at halftime

Carson Claws

I hope I see a playoff win in my lifetime

    G Younkins

    never going to happen. The ford family are all losers living off their patriarchs success. The lions will never be competitive as long as the fords are involved with the team.

    Joe Madej

    DO NOT hold your breath waiting for it!

    frank zappa

    I was 29 years old when they last won a playoff game. Now at 58 hard to believe this franchise sucks this bad.

    Joe Madej

    @frank zappa Go find Dan Orlowski’s comment about Patricia—-OUCH!!!!!!!

    frank zappa

    @Joe Madej Don’t like Of lovely but he was spot on.


even video production has given up on this guy!

Andrew VanHoven

“We just have a lot of work to do”. Ridiculous press conference. Own up to your poor coaching. The problem week in and week out is not having a lot of work to do, it’s you.

One pride Sports Report

So when is Sheila Ford going to be hands-on and fire Patricia

    Hunter Fritts

    3 years from now if I know anything about the fords


    Why hasnt Sheila spoken. Martha would of have said something

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