Detroit Lions vs. Chicago Bears | 2020 Week 1 Adrian Peterson postgame press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Andre The Giant

Love you AP wish they woulda fed you the ball more

    Brad Kunz

    Odysseus I really think Matt Patricia will get down on the lions. I really mean it the guy knows he’s gotta be better. he said it himself. and remember he came from New England last year and he could just sit their and watch them win so when he came to the lions he didn’t know how to coach because he hasn’t been with a losing team..

    Brad Kunz

    Odysseus There

    Jacob Olson

    They don’t even understand the idea of feeding the hot hand

    Andre The Giant

    @Brad Kunz Dude everyone wants to blame patricia but i blame bevels play calling more than anything. Why is he rolling stafford out to the right like hes driskel? Why did he stop giving peterson the ball on our last drive? It was 2 and 8 in field range and they call a pass play with a little over 2 minutes left which caused stafford to get sacked. Shouldve kept feeding the rock to peterson since he got us 2 first downs right before that in the same drive. Bevel of all people should know better


    I THINK that might happen..

Jon Shell

Don’t worry I hope that we could do better. We will always be lions as one pride.

    Brad Kunz

    9-7 or 11-5 LETS DO THIS.. ITS OUR YEAR.

    Jon Shell

    Brad Kunz I agree with you.

    Brad Kunz

    Jon Shell I think we have a great schedule for it I really do. We just need to not make the mistakes we did today..

    Brad Kunz

    Jon Shell we should beat the bears next game np.

    Grizzly Poota

    Jon Shell nope….. your like a Biden fan. Have all the hope in the world but in the end you lose.


i hope this mans energy really rubs off on the whole team man. The dude is a beast. I’d feel bad for him if we didn’t atleast make the playoffs. We are all super pissed about how this game was played and the decisions the coaching staff made/ the injuries and what not. But if they can pull it together and make above average play calling we will be in a good spot. ugh man i just hate a Lions loss.. ruins my whole week at work lol.

    Brad Kunz

    Odysseus lions are goin be GOOD this year I promise. just ignore this first game and move on. we just got to fix our mistakes from today and not give up leads..

    Sheldon Relerford

    Dude I’m the same way.. I don’t even watch the rest of the games if the lions lose its truly pathetic


I was soo pissed after this game up until i watched this man speak. Kind of calmed down now hearing what this man has to say. AP is going to have the boys straightened up in no time.

    Simon Cowell

    From that standpoint, AP will switch the losing attitudes up, no doubt. Expect him to really smack into the pads of Packers next week.

    Brad Kunz

    Simon Cowell yeah I agree. he’s really good I think Stafford with throw more to him if he can..

    Chitown Mytown official one and only channel

    I saw a Redskins fan write something similar to this last year
    3-13 Is how they finished IJS
    AP is responsible for himself and so far he has shown up and done his part .


I love our Lions, and I ways will. To whoever runs the offense: you literally were 17/10 points ahead. You literally have one of the greatest running backs of all time on our squad and you barely gave the man the ball. Run the clock, and run the ball more. There was no reason for you guys to throw the ball and roll Matthew to the right. For God’s sake, keep Stafford safe from getting injured again, and run AP more, especially in the 4th when you’ve got the lead.

    Lokerine H

    I was yelling at the tv to give the ball to AP:*(


You’re a beast AP, making the Bear’s defense look like a bunch of chumps! Thank you so much for keeping a positive attitude, Lord knows we need that in our locker room. God Bless you, brother!

    Daniel Lopez

    As a bears fan I’m jealous you guys got this talent. Good luck in Green Bay give them hell

Dante Palomba

AP sounds like a coach


How the F did you guys blow that??

I’ve had Patricias back the whole time and thought his 3rd season is when he’d have the team & be able to shine but if they can’t beat Trubisket then the seasons over.

F ‘n Lions man. Every yr.
Thanks turds.




Patricias gotta GO.

3rd season. You can not blow that W.

Speedy Stick

Hell that’s the only good thing they did was Run peterson thought them clowns was going to keep him on the bench

    Bre Johnson

    Idk why they took AP and TJ out n the 4th AP had 98 yards could of had more TJ had 58 could of had more he was killing the bears LB group


He’s gonna be a great coach if he decides to go that route after he’s done playing

    Darrell Kibler

    Post Patricia? 👀

    DJ KO

    @Darrell Kibler meant more of an rb coach

Bryan Keith George

Adrian Lebron Peyton Tom Gore. These guys changed the game this generation.

Youcancallme Funk

AP runs his a$$ off , might have been the best lion on the field and still finds away to put blame on himself . Always liked listening to this man speak .

    DJ KO


Ryan Dilts

thank God we picked him up. man that was frustrating watching us lose a game we should of won, but we have weapons and if they can get everything figured out they could be dangerous

Michael Banks

Much respect 🙌 Let’s Go! Boot Up! Go Lions! 🏉🦁💯

Cody Peterson

AP is all class and a true pro


I still can’t believe we got AP mann I love this player ✊🏼

Bre Johnson

AP would of had 100 yards or more if he stayed in the game

Bre Johnson

Lions need to let stafford call the plays cuz when he do we win games and went to the playoffs

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