Detroit Lions Media Availability: Sept. 16, 2020 | Matt Patricia – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Fire him




That’s my coach GO PATRICIA! Most Lions fans don’t understand that the team is rebuilding right now we’re in the 2nd year of a rebuild give the man time! Real Lions fans have the patience and still believe!

    Scott McClellan

    It’s disappointing so many of you so called fans can’t see the reality….@Predator is speaking truth and you guys are blinded by your own negativity…let me point out the obvious here… the Lions have sucked for decades… I have been supporting them and watching them suck for longer than most of you have even been alive. (since 1971) I have never seen a better managed Team Mentality, Team Culture, Toughness, Well balanced team or a deeper roster than we have right now….this is a process.. when you are trying too fix something so broken it DOES NOT HAPPEN in less than 3-5 years I dont care who you are…..
    Now, one more thing to you haters.. maybe go spend a little time studying how the universe actually works. how we are all connected by magnetic energy etc…. really learn it….then try to understand that if you think that all the negativity put out by loser fans like you do not DIRECTLY contribute tot he woes of this team you are nuts… Last week all you negative wannabe fans that had that little voice in your head saying “they are gonna blow this lead” They are gonna screw this up” They are gonna lose this game” “SOL” …. You guys if you understand how the universe works should accept YOU are 50% responsible for that loss…. if you cannot support your team go find another team because your negative energy is holding ours down!!!!


    @Ryan Okay Caldwell fan using your logic let me ask you an important question are you still gonna say those mediocre Lions from 2017 are better than these Lions of this rebuild if they go to the playoffs or win a playoff game in the next 2-3 years?


    @Scott McClellan It really is a shame to see how weak-minded our fanbase has become over the years. So many of them are sheep and followers and not leaders. As a fan, if you don’t trust the process what’s the point? Look in the NBA with the Toronto Raptors under Masai Ujiri he came in there in 2013 and it took 6 years and he got them a title in 2019 and that team is a title contender year in and year out now because of how the process played out. I’m right with you too this is the best amount of talent I’ve ever seen on a Lions team at least since the early 90s and that era. I like the fact too that they’ve built an identity and culture. The Patriot Way mindset is a culture and a direction they’ve selected to go in. We have more blue-chip talent here than we’ve had at any point the past couple of decades. This is a process and it’s going to take patience to see it through. All of these weak-minded fans think they’re supposed to see instant satisfaction when it don’t work like that in the NFL or in life. It’s going to take a while to build this thing up in a Super Bowl contender.

    I’ve been saying the same thing it’s really time for some of our fanbase to leave and go find another team if you’re against Patricia then you’re against the Lions.

    Johnny 19

    bro your dumb he was supposed to take us to the playoffs we were 9-7 he was brought in to be better not rebuild and be worse


    @Johnny 19 No he wasn’t dumbass! Quinn was doing a rebuild quietly after 2017 why you think he tore that team up?

Rumple Stealskilz

Just run the clock out when you have the lead.

Eli Eli

All bro gotta do is be more aggressive and stop going away from what’s giving u guys the lead and tighten up in the 4th

    Jake Plachta

    The irony is trying to be aggressive is actually what cost them the game. Not running the ball with a lead, taking a sack, attempting a 55 yard FG instead of punting, not running the ball again and throwing an INT… When you have a lead you want to shorten the game as much as possible and the Lions didn’t do that.


    Jake Plachta omg preach .

    Eli Eli

    @Jake Plachta Matt prather make them kicks tho but we stop going to hockerson we stop running and lions always settle for field goals and are defense let a weak quarter beat us


Hey if you’re against Patricia you’re against us it’s a simple as that!


    It’s not as simple as that.

    Steven Jones

    U must be 10.. anyway he needs to coach better and learn the actual duties of his job.. not just paper like when he was on the Pats.. We need a QB who does not turn the ball over.. hurts but a real coach knows.. we need our 3rd overall pick to start at 1.. things happen oh well.. get the reps.. make plays.. we need to focus on building a lb core because they’re SOFT


    @Steven Jones Go tell that to any those linebackers in their face and see what happens to you.

    Steven Jones

    @GhettoPat u act like I wont..


    @Steven Jones DO IT! Stop talking and do it and record it too!


If he dosnt get fired by the end of the season im legot done

    Jake Plachta

    It’s playoffs or bust for Patricia. Either way at the end of the year we will be happy. The Lions will be a playoff team or Patricia will be gone.


    @Jake Plachta Good point! 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


If another RB avg 6 yards per carry he better have at least 20 carries .

Matt stafford has only lost 2 games with a 100 yard rusher and we let the game end with AP at 93 YALL DO THE MATH !!!

Zachary Warczak


Steven Jones

Matthew Stafford Is THE Problem he Throws picks just like he throws touchdowns.. wildly bad at reading situations and maybe playcalling.. honestly.. we need a stable qb.. Okudah NEEDS to line up at the one and You NEED to keep Galloday away from BS.. Do UR Job and Coach Matt.. smh

    Michael Marzook

    if jimmy g and tannehill can make it deep in the playoffs then it’s definitely coaching… stafford is more talented than both

    Steven Jones

    @Michael Marzook hes more talented but just as inconsistent.. so it hurts more.. like cmon first megatron.. then tate.. now galloday.. I’m tired of his excuses.. I’ve watched every game.. last 4 years.. Hes not good enough next to top performing QBs you just compared him to Goff and Tannehill that’s bad enough.. they literally get carried to playoffs

Johnny 19

from that standpoint we need to execute better that’s all he says

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