Detroit Lions Media Availability: Dec. 30, 2020 | Darrell Bevell – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Thomas Bigelow

I said it once before and I’ll say it again. Darrell bevell should be come the next head coach of the Detroit Lions. It’s true that the season hasn’t gone the way that we had hoped as far as us the fan base. But giving of what bevell had to work with. And this covid 19 deal. I personally think that he deserves to be come the next head coach of the Detroit Lions. Most others would’ve probably have cracked under that kind of pressure. He didn’t. He had went out there and gave 100 percent from day one & he continues to do so. I believe that he will have this team ready to go coming game time. I think that when it comes to game time. It’s going to be up to the players to play there best game ever. If they don’t. Then that’s on themselves not anyone else including the coach. The coaching staff can only do so much. It’s up to the players to take from there. No matter how Sundays game turns out. There’s no doubt in my mind that Darrell bevell should be come the next head coach of the Detroit Lions. And allow him to put in a system wether it’ll be offesivelly or defensesivelly. And also put together a coaching staff that would give us the best chance to win more games next year than this. That’s my thought. Thank you.

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