Detroit Lions at Arizona Cardinals | 2020 Week 3 Jeff Okudah postgame press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dante Palomba

Needed a breather? Lmao never heard that in my life. Maybe from a lineman. Patricia looked pissed too lmao. You got a job to do.


    how bout you go out there and tell me YOU wouldn’t need a breather covering DHop 🤣 gtfo here lmao

    Dante Palomba

    CptGinger6661 I would never say that. I’m not a professional athlete. I’ don’t remember Darius slay or glover Quinn going onto the sideline to catch his breath do you?
    Glover Quin played every single snap one year. Every. Single. Snap.


    Dante Palomba given the circumstances this year, he might not have prepared fully so that’s definitely on him, but he’ll get better week by week

    Dante Palomba

    CptGinger6661 yes

    Steven Jones

    @Dante Palomba he never guarded d hop as a rookie



Angelo Ljuljduraj


Lee’s World

*they were doubting him already…he’s coming back from his injury **#FREEJEFE* 🌶


Real talk a lot of this fanbase don’t deserve to celebrate this victory tonight with the rest of us there were a whole bunch of negative sheep who called Okudah a bust after just his first game and turned on the team. Don’t celebrate now go back to y’all little corner and pick another team to root for because when you go against the coach or the players you go against the Lions.

    AlienSource TV

    I hear you man! We stood by our team man no matter what. Now Let’s go and beat these Aints.

    Hamza Iqbal

    I don’t agree with the fans that hated on Okudah. But are u serious? This entire coaching staff deserves hate from our fan base. This was a great win. But man we’ve won 10 games in the past 3 years. Obviously everyone is tired of losing. We criticize the team because we care. And one win doesn’t mean we are back in it. We have a long way to go. I still see coach Patrica out after this year


    That’s facts right there as I hate it when fans pick and choose when they want to support the team and become fans. You gotta support during the hard times and stick by your team like during this 11 game losing streak. You can’t lose faith in the team no matter I don’t care if they would’ve lost today and next week you gotta be a real fan and support.


    @Hamza Iqbal You the type of fan he’s talking about its one thing to be critical which is okay but to be against the players or the coaching staff you still gotta support and stand by them. You think it’s easy for the rest of us to support them after a long 11 game losing streak that lasted 11 months? No, but you gotta standby your team at all times no matter what and believe Patricia can turn things around. A lot of fans still support Schwartz or Caldwell even after they’re fired there’s no excuses on giving up on your coach. Defend your team at all times, like they say DEFEND THE DEN!

    Haleem Hassan

    The fans have a problem with the Lions organization 🤷🏾‍♂️

Don Bur

The same people that tried to trash u kid on here like they are your biggest fan !! Lol keep grinding doggy

    Don Bur

    @Dr. Detroit u can keep trying me & u have no convo last reply literally

    Dr. Detroit

    @Don Bur can’t wait for this 11-4 team you said we have. It will be 2 years before this kid is up to par with the league WR’s. Should have got a pass rusher/run stopper. oh well I guess my prediction of 7-9/8-8 is accurate after all.

    Don Bur

    @Dr. Detroit ok

    Dr. Detroit

    @Don Bur I knew you would eventually see it my way.

    Don Bur

    @Dr. Detroit yep

Grant White

Great game, kid. You got caught on a couple, but you made meaningful plays when it counted. Keeping growing, excited to have you on the field, Jefe! #OnePride

Menaal Mcbride

Love you 💋💋😘😘❤️💯

steve O

Nice job rookie


He is a very good player, people are crazy to judge a rookie on one game, he is working very hard , and I think too hard in some cases. Hope he continues to be successful.

    Dr. Detroit

    people are not mad at Jeff, they are mad at the organization for not picking the immediate day 1 starter with the 3rd overall pick. Especially in the shape this team is in with a win now mentality. He does not looks like a 3rd over talent at all. Glad he was able to get a pick but he was torched all game.

Andrew White

Keep doing great man 💪 entire team has to build off of this

Kenneth Browning

About f***ing time! We suppose to be 2-1 but I’ll take a win however it comes. GO LIONS!!!

Green Football

Great interception


I like this guy.great game!!

Mike McNally

I thought hes doing well last week had a tuff job this week even tuffer one n he balled out


I wanted Detroit Lions to draft Okudah or Simmons

Hatchet Jack

SOL Rebuilding sine 1957, Same Excuses.

GhosT sheLLz 75

This W is something positive to build on! #ONEPRIDETILLIDIE #OKUDAH #REALDEAL 💙⛽💨💨🦁💪

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