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Binx Negale

I think offense line didn’t really protect lock

    Michael Petrie

    He wasn’t as good as you may think. No better then drew by any stretch. But they left him as QB. And you know the rest

    Binx Negale

    👍🏽💯 Yeah I’m not saying lock didn’t do too good. Just saying the o line. But we are a young team. An I think it’ll take awhile for all of em to start firing on all cylinders. Once they do it’s gna be dangerous. 2021 will for sure be something great. #DB4L

    Kareem Gorman

    @Binx Negale 2021 They gonna dismantle teams they are building towards that now

    Tiler Whyte

    @Binx Negale the oline allowed no sacks and few penalties if any that i can remember, they also generated decent running room

    Binx Negale

    @Tiler Whyte true but seems like Lock had to keep running out of pocket. Another reason why he didn’t get sacked. He’s immobility.

Hank THE Patriot

Guess who we AREN’T talking about…


Which is a GREAT THING!

Bradon Vanderschans

And remember we didn’t have Courtland Sutton and kJ hamlet that game as well if we did we probably would’ve won

R.F.K. PeaceNik19

Indeed. Highly Optimistic. Nevertheless, Coaches are not allowed to fall asleep at the final 2min. TIME OUT. For crying out loud.

Cobra Commander

Broncos? When are you going to stop kneeling? Legitimate question? You can put all the messages on your helmets, though you do have FB, Twitter, You Tube, ESPN, NFL Network and a bunch other platforms to protest..Let me know when you will stop kneeling for the flag and many fans and ratings will come back. Maybe if you focused more on football you would have Seriously.. i did watch but the Titans missed 3 FGs and an extra point and you STILL lost. Focus on football or just boycott your games. Going half on anything will never give you success. Give it your all on one or the other.

    Reid Bacon

    Relax there guy

    Kay William

    This whole kneeling started with Kapernick… no one seemed to talk about how he took the advice of a retired green Beret war vet. Who told him, the highest form of respect for a fallen comrade would be to kneel…sort of understand that this seems disrespectful to the flag.. but I’ve seen worse through out history disrespecting our flag by handing it all sorts of ways but upside down, I’ve seen people in our own country burn, urinate and vomit on our flag. So when I see people kneeling, I think of someone who is respecting a fallen human being… including those who served in this great the way how is it any different from not removing your hat or not placing your hand across your heart? No different

    Cobra Commander

    @Kay William Kaepernick never intended to be respectful. Being a Green Beret war vet doesn’t mean he speaks for all of us war vets, especially when he only served for a little while..Ive been in 20 years and still going with 4 deployments. Worked with SF, SEALS, conventional…all types. I personally feel sick to my stomach when I see the kneeling.. thats how I feel and I dont agree with it. They can keep doing it.. and i can decide to watch or not. I did take down my Broncos flag after the first time I saw Denver players kneel. Never put it back up and I wont.. the players won’t see my protest and they won’t care either.

Stephen Rowe

Me in Public: We can still win the Superbowl!
Me in Private: Hoping for a Wildcard Playoff birth. That’s better than the past 6 years.


Broncos look good.


31 carries for Henry- so the 100+ is not a problem that’s what you want to see from our front 7

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