Derek Carr’s Aggressiveness, Impact of DeSean Jackson and More From the Thanksgiving Win vs. Dallas – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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An UGLY WIN…in spite of the REFS !! BUT, A WIN IS A WIN…JUST WON, BABY!!

    Joe blow

    Don’t give up the kick off return raiders win easily instead of OT

    Ronald George

    Or that BS false start with 2:12 on the clock

    all time raider fan win baby

    Of course we are going to have the refs aginst us, because of Al Davis At who was not scared of the good old boys of the nfl

    O C

    Missed field goal and PAT away from another loss. I’m not satisfied. Carr did throw the ball down field a little better.

    Guillermo Contreras

    It was a stressful game. Being there you can feel the energy when we kicked that game winning FG. All Raider Nation was going crazy there. So glad to be there live. GO Raiders baby!!!!

Bobby Tran

Raiders should play like this going forward, win or lose. Its just give us a fun game to watch.


    Can Carr be consistent? The question of the past 8 years!


    yeah stop all the Bi-polar mindset of this team. just got out and play hard every week and stack W’s

    Original Raider 72'

    @Kyle Albright Right! Downing got Del Rio fired his Play calling was terrible.


    It’s not always win or lose people do get injured we can’t expose our full talent jus yet!!! But we letting them kno

    Original Raider 72'

    Gotta start winning hone games

Gabriel Ramirez

Can’t wait for sounds of the game!


Hopefully Carr stays consistent

mark beaver

Both teams didn’t give up and it was a fun game to watch to the end. Hate to see Refs making the difference but I think they had to make the last pass interference call because the DB didn’t turn his head to play the ball putting the Raiders in FG range, tough call but fair.

    Dennis Cummins

    It was the right call for the referee It was pass interference then post game coach time cowboys wanna be coach talks about pi calls says it just wasn’t so Jerry you hired him live with it I don’t think Jerry even looked at any other options for a head coach because there were other coaches imo a whole lot better

Kailua Kidd

Righteous! Huge win. Carr was dialed in and the defense did just enough. Semper fi

shannon churchill

Apologies to the rest of the NFL, but you are never going to get sympathy from Raider Nation when it comes to our opponents getting penalized. I don’t think Crosby drew any holding penalties in this game, but he is held more often than not.

    Muppet Patrol

    Shouldn’t rely on refs to decide the game. If you’re complaining about refs constantly that means your team as a whole isn’t good enough. Raiders weren’t good enough to win the Tuck Rule game either.

    Lobo Lex

    @Muppet Patrol did you get dropped on your head ?

    Latu Carter

    Facts… Mad Max always gets held

    Jon Burrows

    @Muppet Patrol For the Tuck rule game, the Raiders were on the road in the snowy NE and yet outplayed the Patriots. The game would have been over after Brady’s fumble and it was taken away from them by some bogus rule no one ever heard of and that was eventually removed from the game. Totally different.


I liked how Abram was playing more of a hybrid roll plays better inside the box


    I like how Cory told him to stop being an a$$ and to play his role! Best part of the game. This franchise has major discipline issues starting from the top to the bottom.

    Justice Pain

    Remember everybody, Abrams was designed to hit and tackle, not cover

    Tom Mitchell

    He doesn’t deserve to wear #24

    Michael James

    @Justice Pain he’s a safety

    The Raider Critique

    That’s what I’ve been screaming the whole time we’ve been using him the wrong way he needs to be lighting up quarterbacks like Christmas trees

Matata McCleskey

Need to be a pass first team. I notice the Raiders been biffing a lot of 3rd and 1, 4th 1 short runs getting stuffed

    Ser Winzzalot

    Carr needs to be under center for us to be a good running team. When out big guys lean on their pass rushers it helps as the game goes on. When we have a running back that can get to the 2nd level it makes the lbs and cbs to be physical hence wearing them down too. Champions are built with a strong running game. Basic but not sexy.


It’s better when the Raiders are winning.


Isolate the game film on Maxx Crosby and let’s see how many holding penalties AREN’T called?

Isidro Rucobo

Keep them explosive plays coming!! Lets go Raiders!

Mark Clinton

Really poor clock management at the end of the 4th, almost cost us the game. Why were we trying to hurry and run plays before the 2 minute warning, when we had plenty of time. All we did is give Dallas time to drive it down and kick a FG to send it to OT. They should have had less than 30 seconds if we had run more clock.

    Ser Winzzalot

    How bout calling a timeout with 2 seconds to go before the 4th? Wtf was that? Horrible clock management…and why not run 3 straight times on the goaline? And why not go for it on 4th while our defense was getn after dak? We should have blown these bois out

    all time raider fan win baby

    Comes back to coaching, he can’t be our head coach after this season

    Robert Francis

    With 2:02 left in the game and 2nd down and 2 the Raiders ran a play. They should have let it hit the 2 minute warning then run for the first down and run 3 more times.that would have expired the clock and there wouldn’t have been OT. Terrible clock management

    Angel Huerta

    Don’t forget about them not even attempting to go for at least a field goal in the end of the first half, had 2 time outs and 30 seconds and you not even going to TRY at least once to see if you can get in field goal range? Coach Bisachia was a liability that could have cost us the game. He needs to improve his time management and decisions if he wants to stay HC.

    Mark Clinton

    @Angel Huerta Yes! I was complaining about that too! They only needed about 35 yards to kick a long FG. Why not throw it a couple times and see what happens. I could see if you had a QB that throws INTs all the time, but Carr is smart about it. Should have at least tried!


Stalling in the red zone is a problem & the 3rd down inefficiency too. Jackson keeping the defense honest was big, that’s been missing since Ruggs been out. Refs were horrible.


    The Dodgers led the league and men left on base and we used to beat them up. That year that they won the World Series and all the times they got there. It’s similar with the Raiders. Their efficiency on 3rd down is a concern. But the positive is they’re getting in the red zone. So they have more opportunities. We just need to cash more of them in if we want to go further.


Carr appeared more confident and had more conviction in the pocket and crisper passes . Kept his head up surveying the field and feet moving. Just has to do this every week


    @John B okay you drunk, you’re projecting hard.


    @John B go take care of your kids buddy. Pretty sure they are all grown and only know you to be the drunk you really are. You ain’t a raider fan.

    John B

    @Reyder Come see daddy MIJO…

    Michael g

    When the oline can block for you and give you time this is what you can get. Running game was good also oline made gaps for Jacobs

Grim Dog Raider

Big ups to the Nation that were there at the game holding it down for us in Dallas . RN4L


    Hell yessss!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Edward Ster

That run by carr was the longest run by him in 4 years he must have felt the pressure after Mariota scored

    John B

    Hell yeah he did and from the nation calling him out also!!!

Vince Smith

Great win by the Raiders!
EA needs to get into the HOF. Great player and a Raider Legend!

Thomas Wright

this man need to KEEP this energy. he ran for a first down. aired it out every single quarter and even took some big shots and still played great for 4.5 quarters. keep this !!!


As a lifelong Dallas fan I have to acknowledge that the Cowboys were thoroughly Out-coached in this game by the Raiders – In addition Anthony Brown was a DISASTER.🤬

    ☠️ Raider Joe ☠️

    You sir have my respect!

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